Cleaned chicken house & barn, worked in garden. Pap went on business trip & also to Waterloo to a big sale on Pautler’s farm west of town; people from Marrissa [sic] have a sale, on stock & tractors etc. Cool this morn. A fellow here selling household articles; bought fly swatter. The fire engine whistle was sounded this morn; called to the home of Andrew Mueth in Paderborn, were there house was on fire; but it was put out, before they got there. Rose came this afternoon, helped plant out flowers; took some along home, we planted all the house flowers out. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile this afternoon. Jake Neff was here on business this evening. Cool again tonite.
Tuesday, May 4, 1937
We washed, ironed patched, rain & heavy showers & hail, this afternoon & eve; we planted cabbage & sweet potatoes plants out; Request card for Jim & Dick to play a No. for paps birthday came over radio today. A guy here selling apple, took pk. 45¢. Chas. Helfrich & son got load hay $11.00 & 17 bus. oats @ 60¢ & wheat 1½ @ $1.27; all feed for his stock & chickens, he is going to move on Mrs. Wihelms farm, by Red Bud. Eichenseers are in & Co. are having a Purina Meeting & Show at Kammlers free tonite, “Hidden Harvest,” we seen it last year at Red Bud; were pap got 25 chicks attendance prize. tonite they are giving as prizes 2 – 25 lb. sacks purina feed & dairy hopper. We went to the show, pretty nice crowd hall filled for conditions of weather. Ed. Parker & Adam Brauns won the feed & Al. Cleveland the hopper.
Thursday, April 29, 1937
Cleaned dining room, awful warm. Olive Laut was here, wanted duck eggs. Chas. Helfrich got load hay this afternoon; $12.70. A fellow here selling fish; we didn’t take none. Sly. Kabureck is at Belleville Hospital operation appendix getting along well; took Mrs. Joe Kaiser in Mon. to be operated appendix.
Thursday, March 11, 1937
Beautiful day. Pap hauled load wood in the basement; this afternoon went out & helped Henry sewing oats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Smithton. Mrs. And. Mueth was here, looking for seed oats. Bert made garden planted onion sets, radishes, peas, lettuce. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to the wake of Mr. Chas. Geodelle, 87 yrs. old; out at the house; so many people coming & going, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at Waterloo; & church. Sly. Doyle died & is to buried tomorrow morning at Red Bud, he was operated on appendix a couple weeks ago. Henry & family came this eve. A man around selling apples, bought pt. 50¢.
Monday, Jan. 18, 1937
Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were all here for dinner, helping us, clean 2 ducks, & baked 7 cakes & 10 pie crusts, cleaned basement etc. A fellow around selling pencils 2 for 5¢. Rosalia got a letter from Fr. Stern, congratulations & God’s blessing, for a happy wedded life. Beautiful day. Pap & Henry & Uncle Fred all went to Kammler’s Hall for a Farm Bureau & Benifit [sic] meeting, the hall was to cold & saloon not big enough, lot of farmers present, reelected new members, Ruhel – & President etc. Got the chev. license No. 655 – 890. Sure lot of people down with flu.
Friday, Jan. 15, 1937
Ironed patched. Went to Waterloo, got AAA Wheat check $5.16. A guy selling or sharpening work, to earn for his dinner, we had none. Cold sun shining. Hill has in Waterloo paper, it is rumored, that Omer Schilling & Lucella [sic.- Lucille] Brand to be married in near future some mistake, he better quite [sic – quit] writing in news, anyway to put in false reports, such as that one is. Boy Boy. Dr. Werth’s have a little baby boy at St. Marys Hospital in E. St. Louis.
Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1936
We washed, ironed some, we hung it in basement, so cloudy this morn. but the sun shined awhile this afternoon. We sent New Year Cards away. Stahl & Qurin were married Christmas. We found 26 eggs. today not bad; eggs are cheaper now. A man was here yesterday, selling 7 books for 25¢, relating to the bible, he says Christ will destroy this world in near future. Gus. Klotz is going to butcher 4 hogs tomorrow; if weather is nice.
Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1936
Cleaned 2 ducks, fixed Christmas tree electric lights. Mauff vegtable [sic] man was here, we didn’t buy anything, pap went up town, got oranges, nuts. Rose got Christmas cards from Irene Helfrich. Bert got 1 from Omer. Pap tried his luck on box candy 10¢ & fruit cake .02. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got load oats. Beautiful day.
Thursday, Dec. 17, 1936
We cleaned rooms, washed curtains. Pap went in the woods all day again. A man here selling household articles. Eggs 27¢. Leo came & we all went out to Uncle Fred’s played cards had pie cookie.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1936
Nice day, cool. The tree man was here. We went out to Henry’s helped clean bedroom today had dinner. A man here selling electric machine for all kind of work. Mr & Mrs Ed Brand were at Belleville at Frick’s funeral & stopped in here, on way to Levi Gregson’s; to say Hello! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came from Cortner’s funeral at Hecker here. Mr. William Freund 27 & Marcella Fahey 25 are being married at Tipton this morning, attendants twin [to bride] Estella Fahey & Joe Freund; no wedding dance. Miss Dorothy Schoenborn & Sutter of Millsdadt [sic] married at Belleville this morning, attendants Jac Schoenborn, Rose Stul & Rudy Helfrich & Tillie Rhinehardt, friends, dance held at Stolbergs Lake Belleville.
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