Thursday, June 22, 1933

We had weed out of garden & corn patch. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Our telephone doesn’t ring at all. Wagners either. Henry started cutting oats today. Mamie & Pete where here awhile this evening. Hy. Staleheber came & paid Uncle Fred interest. We went to Belleville in afternoon. A man was here selling grease & stain remover, we bought  bottle 20¢, Oh boy & does it do the work, I’ll say it does.

Tuesday, June 13, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, Mr. Walsh a student for priesthood at St. Henry’s College Belleville, was here selling papers to pay for his schooling; papa didn’t take any. There was a man here from Belleville selling gas. Good many people started cutting wheat.

Saturday, June 10, 1933

People here from E. St. Louis selling live fish, we bought one, 5½ lbs. Oh! boy was it good, you tell ’em, had fish all day, 10¢ lb. they had just 3 left when they came here, had 300 lb. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to church, eggs are 7¢.

Wednesday, April 5, 1933

We cooked a kettle of soap. Over 11 hens hatched today 86 chicks. Man around selling apples at $1.50 bus. Tonight is church & a bank meeting for all despoistors [sic] of Red Bud bank at the high school there. We all went over to Renneckers, telephone meeting. H.M. Hill & Wagner where the only ones present.

Monday, March 27, 1933

A man around selling all kinds of articles this morn, we bought 3 pairs shoe strings for 10¢. We washed, ironed, patched, made garden, put out onions. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon. A man stopped & took 4 doz. eggs for 10¢ there 84 in stove. There where 3 people here from Freeburg looked at our mule.

Saturday, Feb. 25, 1933

Papa got crushing done this morn. Geo. Boll was here to sell soup meat or roasts. 10 & 13¢, we didn’t take any. It rained last nite, & cooler today. Bess Helmer is giving a birthday dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill tonite adm. 25¢, White Duck, & Miss Lucille McCarthy is giving one at Oak Grove 20¢ each. We all & George Wagners family went over to Renneckers played pinochle this evening, wine & cookies where served.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1933

St. Valentine’s Day, & turning cold again, rain & sleet. We got a bottle of bluing today by mail from so Co. got the Chicago Mail Order catalog. There was a fellow around & brought a bottle of medicine good for everything. Rosalia took a dose after supper. Henry Armstutz was here this morn. There was a guy around delivering Freedman Bros. papers sale. Red Bud & Waterloo are giving euchres this evening, but it is an awful bad nite, so we didn’t go. Ironed & quilt today. Mrs. Schenider called up & wanted setting eggs, but we haven’t any right now. The hard road is awful slick, there was a car turned over in front of Ed Parker’s, & Vic Braun & Paul Neff turned over in Smithon [sic] at Siebert store, they where coming home from St. Louis. Ralph Rausch turned over with his lic. [ed. note: unclear] Willie Heyl’s boy is being buried this afternoon at Waterloo.

Friday, Feb. 3, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. Robert Laut was here & bought that little spring chicken 2 lbs. 25¢. It is a pretty nice day. Bertille got the mail. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, he wants to take the fence out along the road. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary wasn’t at the wake last night, Jerome Cortner had invited them to a birthday party some place; so they are going to the wake tonite. Joe Sommer’s the barber have another little baby girl born Jan. 29 at St. Clement’s Hospital at Red Bud. Joe is giving a free haircut to the one that selects the right name to be given to the child. Mr. Erwin Eichelmann, son of Mr. & Mrs. Eichelmann & Mrs. Olga Hauptfleisch of Columbia were quitely [sic] married at Springfield Ill. on Wed. Jan. 25. They are making there home with the groom’s parents, east of Waterloo. Walter Monike of Lords Corner motored to Prairie Du Rocher last Wed. evening & received 3 prize on playing violin. John Hepp who has been down for the past 3 weeks with kidney trouble is reported about in the same condition. Mrs. Walter Hecke is employed as nurse. Wm. Laut is no better, he is troubled with Rheumatism. There was a man here wanted to sell the St. Louis Globe & one here wanted boarding place, he is the constructor for building the bridge west of Hecker, he says, going to start next Mon. & wanted a room. Rosalia & Bertille went to see Angela Eichenseer this evening, it was also Mrs. Vic birthday, Clarence Wittenauer was also there, we played pinochle, papa came over & got us when the store was closed.

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1932

Mr. Loresch from Red Bud was here & wanted to sell us some marble flower pots to put on the front porch, for $1.75 a piece, we didn’t take the. Papa & Neff’s went out wood sawing again, guess they will finished this afternoon. Herzog a fruit tree agent from Belleville wanted to sell us Dintelman’s tree’s, but we have plenty. Joe Wacthel is butchering today. Frank Geschwinder & his bride came home yesterday from there honey moon trip. The Eichenseer kids where around trying to sell Christmas seals stamps. Mr. Stadleman was around selling apples $1.50 bu. we didn’t take any. He sold a good many bus. here in town.

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1932

We washed, ironed. There was a man around selling $1.00 bottle pure vanilla for 50¢, we didn’t take none. Mr. Hill was here with papers to sign for the right of way past our place out there; papa didn’t sign yet because he didn’t understand everything what it says on there. Mrs. Robert Laut is out at George Boll’s, helping with the work. We are only finding 6 eggs.