We had weed out of garden & corn patch. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Our telephone doesn’t ring at all. Wagners either. Henry started cutting oats today. Mamie & Pete where here awhile this evening. Hy. Staleheber came & paid Uncle Fred interest. We went to Belleville in afternoon. A man was here selling grease & stain remover, we bought bottle 20¢, Oh boy & does it do the work, I’ll say it does.
Tuesday, June 13, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, Mr. Walsh a student for priesthood at St. Henry’s College Belleville, was here selling papers to pay for his schooling; papa didn’t take any. There was a man here from Belleville selling gas. Good many people started cutting wheat.
Saturday, June 10, 1933
People here from E. St. Louis selling live fish, we bought one, 5½ lbs. Oh! boy was it good, you tell ’em, had fish all day, 10¢ lb. they had just 3 left when they came here, had 300 lb. We went to Waterloo this afternoon to church, eggs are 7¢.
Wednesday, April 5, 1933
We cooked a kettle of soap. Over 11 hens hatched today 86 chicks. Man around selling apples at $1.50 bus. Tonight is church & a bank meeting for all despoistors [sic] of Red Bud bank at the high school there. We all went over to Renneckers, telephone meeting. H.M. Hill & Wagner where the only ones present.
Monday, March 27, 1933
A man around selling all kinds of articles this morn, we bought 3 pairs shoe strings for 10¢. We washed, ironed, patched, made garden, put out onions. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon. A man stopped & took 4 doz. eggs for 10¢ there 84 in stove. There where 3 people here from Freeburg looked at our mule.
Saturday, Feb. 25, 1933
Papa got crushing done this morn. Geo. Boll was here to sell soup meat or roasts. 10 & 13¢, we didn’t take any. It rained last nite, & cooler today. Bess Helmer is giving a birthday dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill tonite adm. 25¢, White Duck, & Miss Lucille McCarthy is giving one at Oak Grove 20¢ each. We all & George Wagners family went over to Renneckers played pinochle this evening, wine & cookies where served.
Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1933
St. Valentine’s Day, & turning cold again, rain & sleet. We got a bottle of bluing today by mail from so Co. got the Chicago Mail Order catalog. There was a fellow around & brought a bottle of medicine good for everything. Rosalia took a dose after supper. Henry Armstutz was here this morn. There was a guy around delivering Freedman Bros. papers sale. Red Bud & Waterloo are giving euchres this evening, but it is an awful bad nite, so we didn’t go. Ironed & quilt today. Mrs. Schenider called up & wanted setting eggs, but we haven’t any right now. The hard road is awful slick, there was a car turned over in front of Ed Parker’s, & Vic Braun & Paul Neff turned over in Smithon [sic] at Siebert store, they where coming home from St. Louis. Ralph Rausch turned over with his lic. [ed. note: unclear] Willie Heyl’s boy is being buried this afternoon at Waterloo.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1932
Mr. Loresch from Red Bud was here & wanted to sell us some marble flower pots to put on the front porch, for $1.75 a piece, we didn’t take the. Papa & Neff’s went out wood sawing again, guess they will finished this afternoon. Herzog a fruit tree agent from Belleville wanted to sell us Dintelman’s tree’s, but we have plenty. Joe Wacthel is butchering today. Frank Geschwinder & his bride came home yesterday from there honey moon trip. The Eichenseer kids where around trying to sell Christmas seals stamps. Mr. Stadleman was around selling apples $1.50 bu. we didn’t take any. He sold a good many bus. here in town.
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1932
We washed, ironed. There was a man around selling $1.00 bottle pure vanilla for 50¢, we didn’t take none. Mr. Hill was here with papers to sign for the right of way past our place out there; papa didn’t sign yet because he didn’t understand everything what it says on there. Mrs. Robert Laut is out at George Boll’s, helping with the work. We are only finding 6 eggs.
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