Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1931

Henry & Leona went to Belleville left the kids here. Mrs. Johnny Reheis died this morn. around 1 o’clock, she will be buried Fri. afternoon, she was sick for a time, had cancer. We all went to the wake this eve. stayed till about 12 o clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to stay all night. Ben Kerber a sales agent was here. Papa was in the woods this afternoon.

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1931

Wash, iron & patch day. Wm. Parkinson died yesterday morning & will be buried Thurs. morn. to the Catholic church & Stehfest cemetery. Papa dug up the bathroom tiling & cleaned it out. A man was round selling vegatbles [sic] & oranges 17½¢ a doz.

Thursday, Sept. 17, 1931

Papa is hauling the fresh coal in the basement for this year.  He hauled 2 loads this morning.  Henry was here this afternoon, he was talking about getting his hogs vacinated [sic], Alf. Geodelle, Joe Schilling have there.  There are getting them vacinated [sic] all over.  Papa went over by Steve Rennecker’s awhile.  There was a gent here selling Oriental Rugs.  It is awful hot these days.  Odillo Eichenseer & 2 of his friends from St. Louis left last Friday, for Chicago, he covered a distance of 900 miles with his new car.  They took a 40 miles ride on the lake on a speed boat.  Papa was over at Rennecker’s this afternoon, & Steve he told him, today was his 40 yr. wedding anniversary, so tonight we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry’s family, Gus, Klotz, Adam Brauns, Ed Neff, Gus Frisch, the evening was spent in musci [sic], cake, soda, wine where the refreshments served.  Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, papa had to help him, he got his hogs vacinated [sic] Quirin did the work for $8.55.  Albert Cleveland Grover where there, he brought theres up to & got it vacinated [sic], he has only the one.  The egg man was here, we sold 3 doz. 19¢.  A man selling rugs, & one taking pictures of babies where here.

Wednesday, August 19, 1931

Today is washing, iron & patch day.  There was a truck through here from Chester selling peaches, 80¢ bu. picked over.  Mr. Harbough the Moorman’s Mineral Agent was here this afternoon.  It started raining again.

Tuesday, August 18, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon & Leona & the kids where also here, she came up to get a bu. of peaches from Dr. Eckert for 60¢ bu. nice, she & Aunt Mary & Rosalia went over to George Wagner’s & looked at them first, she got hers there too.  Bill Lehr was here, he is going all over town taking orders.  Aunt Mary helped to peel the rest of ours & we got 6 more cans, we got 40 cans about 20 to a bu. we would have about 42 cans with those what we ate.  Al Rittmeyer was here trying to sell brushes & the like.  We sure had lot of rain & nice.

Wednesday, August 12, 1931

Papa is plowing again today.  Ed Meng was over a little while.  There was a man around selling moth & insect killing, it is something like moth balls, we bought a card for 25¢.  Valentine Fritche of East St. Louis who was in a accident on July 30 on Smithon [sic] & Hecker road died and will be buried Thurs. afternoon at 3 o clock to the Mt. Hope Cemetery.  He is 70 yrs. old & had 5 ribs bones broken & hip bone.  Hy. Armstutz was here this eve, a little while.  Ed Meng & Clifford was here, they brought a gray horse over & took the boy home, they said Nick Schefer bought it & they where going to take it out there.  Today is Weyhaupt sale by Smithon [sic].

Tuesday, August 11, 1931

Today we washed, ironed, patched.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day, working in there garden & pulling weeds.  It is awful cool today, cold wind.  Papa went over to Mengs this afternoon & got his horses, & started plowing the chicken yard.  There was a man here trying to sell burglar alarms to prevent the chickens, cause so much stealing has been carried on in Monroe Co.

Wednesday, June 24, 1931

Odillo Eichenseer was here this morn trying to fix our Whippet, but he couldn’t, him & Papa drove up to Barthel’s got a coil, still it wouldn’t go.  Then he went home for dinner, afterwards tried it again, but still wouldn’t work, so Papa & Rosalia pulled it up to Barthel’s garage.  Mr. Wm. Harbaugh from Foster Pond was here trying to sell us some Moorman’s Mineral, but we still had it out in the chicken house yet.

Thursday, June 11, 1931

Ed Parker has poster’s, up for his big new barn dance tonight.  We went out & the crowd that was there, some said 300, & others said 500 people upstairs, it sure was crowded.  People from all over, Evansville, Smithton, Waterloo, St. Louis, from everywhere.  There was a man here today selling fruit again, we send him off.  Papa went out to Henry’s to get a load of posts.  Eggs are still 12¢ yet.

Thursday, May 21, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pump the water out of there cellar, he made a hole in the kitchen floor to put the pipe on the pump down, he has it all out now. They had lunch here with us.  There was a boy here wanted some votes to become a doctor, he had 47 more votes to get, he has to have 2,000 & then he get $500.00 bonus to study, you buy a book or magazine, & it has so many votes, from 1 to 8 vote, that’s the highest, he said Fr. Grootens gave him 7 & Sister Superior, Lela Deuker, that is all he mentioned.  We didn’t take none.  The butcher Sethl from Smithton was here & looked at our hogs, they are only 5.45 he said.  Clara Wagner gave us some flowers to plant out, touch-me-nots.  Eggs are 13¢.