Rosalia & Bertille went to Henry’s, helped clean house, had dinner. Henry came up & cut hay, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, brought lard to Braun’s 9¢ lb. Mr. Zioppel of Red Bud here selling pig feed; Washer sales agent here; lady selling gauze 35¢. Aunt Mary bought it. Fr. Aydt has meeting for the boy’s 16 and men at the hall tonite, Stag Party. Mr. Andrew Rist died at St. Vincents Home, that is John & Mrs. Jac Schmidt of Waterloo father; will be buried Thurs. morn.
Thursday, Aug. 30, 1934
Otto Rahn of near Red Bud have a baby girl; also Dr. Pautler have a baby 9½ [lb] boy Paul. The morning’s & evenings are rather cool. Mrs. Chas Fleckenstein has a sale today. Papa & Berti went, got the drill for 50¢ brought it along home, binder $1.40 & the wagon $32; & corn plants $26; highest things sold; to some one from Baldwin; the binder is still out yet, rather fair crowd, Grossman auctioner, Lawrence Weigand clerk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile from the sale. Monroe Feurer was here in the morning counting our hogs. 15 pigs 1 sow, checked up the papers, see if everything was correct. A man here wanted buy old gold; one here selling washing machines. Levi Gregson bought the automobile at the sale; one just like his, tire all flat, & no battery in it for $11.50. Emil pulled it home for him, behind his car. Gus Klotz came & borrowed our lime dust spreader. Mehrman got 8 doz eggs 21¢ he papa, also Metz.
Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1934
Henry came, finished plowing, had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she helped cut Bertille’s dress out; man here & selling, germ elim, 55¢ bottle, good for everything. Mr. Oscar Schmidt, Co Superintendent was here to see Henry about school, wether [sic] or not there is going to be school, it is undecided.
Saturday, July 28, 1934
Papa went to Rall’s sale by Red Bud this afternoon – everything brought a good price. People here selling vanilla extract. We planted beans & pickles yesterday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to New Athens Homecoming this afternoon. We went out to Birkner’s, then to Hy. Ronnenberg’s farewell party, half barrel beer was the refreshments; the men chipped together & Hillheims got the beer from Hecker; danced in the barn, musci [sic] by I. Helfrich Sheonborn; not a very large crowd.
Tuesday, July 17, 1934
Hy. Birkner’s got a second hand Chev. 1930 model at Belleville today, just like Hy. Clem Parker was here on business. George Parker’s got the baby christened Sun. afternoon James Arthur, Arthur Coop & sister, were sponsors. Oscar Birkner had fish fry Sun. evening. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Brezzy Hill tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this morning, had dinner here, him & papa went to Waterloo, he got a new Chev. 1934 model, $568. from W. Nobbe; black weehls [sic – wheels], green body. Mr. Otto Horn was here wanted to sell suits. A lady here selling household goods & toilet. Uncle Fred got $176.00 for his old car & $105 for horse all in the trade. They went to Red Bud to Buehler’s. Jac Erle came & they got the papers insurance fixed out, a new policy. George Wagner & kids, came over to fly kites in our field. We went to Brezzy tonight, Mr. Maul & Perry May’s Wedding Anniversaries, but poor musci, Fisher Orc; nice crowd. Uncle Fred bought ice cream for lunch, this afternoon.
Tuesday, March 27, 1934
We washed, also curtains. Snowed all night, some west here. Papa went after the paper. A man here wanted to sell products. Hy Dann & his son were here got 3 heifers for $57.50 he comes from Wartburg; he also got 1 bull from Schumacher $30.00. Eggs 15¢.
Tuesday, March 20, 1934
We went to Red Bud to Luhr’s Hatchery & ordered, White & Wyandolte’s chicks, will get them by 12th April; they went to Waterloo to Heyl’s Hatchery, price on chicx [sic] $8.00 a 100; went to butcher shops; etc. Some guys came around selling Coppers Protective & papers for 3 yrs. at $2.00. Mr. Webb, we signed up for it. Steve Rennecker brought us our receipt from Lester Gregson for fire co. payed for 1 yr.
Friday, Jan. 12, 1934
Papa got the mail. A man around selling weather strips, one around delivering advertising paper, Clifford & Mr. Vogt, pevely milk driver, was to here to see if he could rent Uncle Fred’s house, papa told them to see Uncle Fred about it.
Tuesday, Jan. 9, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, came here awhile, then we all went to Wilfried [sic] Eichenseer’s funeral, he was 16 will be 17 in June, his pallbearers were, Loraine & Ray Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, Paul Wittenauer, Joe & Paul Parker. It was an awful large funeral, nice flowers. Father made an awful nice sermon, the church was crowded, some standing. Henry & Albert Cleveland, stop in awhile. Bertille went to Lizzie Boll’s got the bread. Some men, around selling apples, we didn’t take none, ironed & patched.
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