Oscar Klotz & Eugene Bruns came & got the hog weighed 280 lbs; they took it home on our sleigh. A man around selling 7 bars soap for 25¢. The relief workers are on work again today. We all went out to Henry’s this evening, took ½ doz. eggs & package cookies & ice, & made ice cream out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also there, we played 3 games pinochle, ladies against gents, ladies won 2 games, we also played 6 hand euchre, 2 games. Robert & Willis has a bad cold, & cough.
Wednesday, March 22, 1933
We washed & ironed, cleaned the chick pen in the basement & sprayed it. Henry was up & brought load of corn, there where some guys here to sell fish ready dressed 20¢ lb; we didn’t take any. Papa plowed & harrowed the potato patch this afternoon it isn’t so cold today. Eggs are 9¢ at Eichenseers. A fellow was here trying to sell light plants. It rained heavy this evening.
Friday, Sept. 16, 1932
This morning there where 2 airplanes flew fast around Hecker, they sure made a noise. There was people going around selling rugs, & some linen & one apples $1.25 ¢ bu. Fred Nobbe Sr. passed away last Thurs; he was 93 years of age. Mr & Mrs. Leo Kohler have a baby girl since Sept. 3. Mr. & Mrs. Matt Crowe celebrated there Crystal wedding anniversary last Tues. Mr. Chas. Boll was 84 yrs. old last week & Sun. Chas. Heoreth came home from the hospital & then they had 38 for supper.
Friday, Sept. 25, 1931
We canned 7 qts. tomatoes & cooked catsup. Papa hauled 2 loads of coal, this afternoon it rained. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. There where people around selling tomatoes $1. bu. Henry & family where up awhile this eve. from here they went to Uncle Fred’s. Papa got a letter an invitiation, [sic] we all & Aunt Mary should come up & see Fr. Grooten’s tonight, but we won’t go. We gave Leona a basket ful to take along, the yellow ones, she is going to cook catsup from them.
Friday, Sept. 18, 1931
Papa went up town. Today he is supposed to be at Belleville but ain’t going, Ignatz Neff received a letter too, he is going in. Papa went to Red Bud on business. There was a man going around taking orders to sell coffee. I seen in the Waterloo paper that Wm. Heyl’s daughter Ester got married to Hugh Mays last Sat. Mildred Stiffler got, was granted a divorce from Harry Stiffler. Steve was over & looked at our hogs this eve, they walk lame, but eat good.
Friday, August 7, 1931
Papa went to Waterloo to get he watch fixed. Leona & the kids where here. Steve Freund from Ohio was here & gave us a call this afternoon. He is selling papers to help the young boys who are getting there free education to become priests. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, we baked a cake for Mrs. Roneberg’s birthday tomorrow. Henry came up this afternoon & this evening to see about threshing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch.
Tuesday, March 31, 1931
Papa is going out to Henry’s to help him haul logs. He was there for dinner. Mrs. Louise Birkner was here this morning & brought us a flower. A man from St. Louis was here & wanted to see Papa. We washed & ironed today. There was a man here & wanted to sell Oriental Rugs, they were sailor boys, & had to go to the water again, & wanted to sell the rugs first. Fr. Tuger of the St. Johns Orphanage at Belleville died & will be buried Wed. morning at Glen Addie.
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