Pap went to Red Bud to lumber yard. this afternoon we went to Freeburg got tiling, cement, nails. Bill [Klein] & Louis stopped this morn, were out selling cars. Belleville has big parade today, Santa Claus is coming.
Sunday, Dec. 25, 1938
Christmas. Went to 6 o clock mass, stayed for 2nd mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henry & family & Leo & family & Bill were here for Turkey dinner & supper, took pictures in afternoon, beautiful warm day. Went out to Henrys this evening, seen what Santa Claus brought, tree etc. so many things.
Monday, Dec. 27, 1937
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had breakfast & supper here going to stay over nite again, awful warm out. Went out to Henry’s butchering, had dinner. Boys got piona [sic – piano] accordion from Santa Claus for Christmas. Lena Meng was here to see Uncle Fred. Uncle Fred fixed the pump for Emil, after we came home from butchering. Frank Emery died this morn. 2 oclock is by Wagners. We played cards this eve. pinochle. Lena Meng stopped in on way town.
Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1937
Send cards, etc. Beautiful day. Decorated etc. scrubbed front porch. Arlene Klotz is sick in bed with cold as Renneckers, quite few people have measles they say at Red Bed & Mayben Picketts school will be closed, on that account. The Catholic school children have there program & Santa Claus tonite. There is no school Picketss girls have the measles at present.
Friday, January 1, 1937
Went to Red Bud mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile after church. We went out to Henry’s, had dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came also in afternoon we played cards & seen the kids presents from Santa Claus, had lot of nice things. Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Leo came this evening.
Monday, Nov. 23, 1936
Washed, put stitched quilt in the frame. Pap hauled wood, getting cold this afternoon. Robert has sore hand scratched it Sun. red & swollen now. Santa Claus is on the air every nite now, at 6:05.
Friday, Dec. 22, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went out to the Blackburn School to there Christmas program; that they had, it was nice, Santa Claus, Cleveland was there, & lots more, & crowded. Rosalia got Christmas parcel from J. Keller, a curling iron. Helfrich brought the last of the corn today. Rosalia & Bertie went up to see Angela this evening, played 500 rummy & pinochle; Lucinda is getting along fairly well. has her head bandaged.
Saturday, Dec. 16, 1933
Papa got hair cut; him & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got a load oats. Baked Oatmeal cookies & pie this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we all went to Red Bud to Mass. Jake Mauer’s sale, large attendance, papa bought rope & things, it was late till they started the household goods, we left afterwards. Buel Rascow was sale cryer, & John Schumacher, clerk; Mrs. Mauer is going to move to the city & her 2 daughters that are not married, will live with her, Bertha & Stella; everything brought a fair prize for bring cash sale. Mrs. Lizze Peiffer, 53 yrs. of age died last Tues. evening & buried this afternoon at Millstadt Cemetery she was Lizzie Hollerbach; married Chas. Peiffer, have 1 son & 2 daughters. Mr. Elmer Rittmeyer 32 & Miss Edna Rieso 19 are being married at Smithon [sic] Church by Rev. Hoste [? – unclear] at 3 oclock, wearing white dress & veil. Mr. Al Rittmeyer & Alice Mantle are the attendants & Miss Mabel Rieso Maid of honor & Aaron Papenberg groomsmen; one wearing peach, & the other green, with slippers to match; they will live in St. Louis, where the groom is employed, a private reception is held in Daabs Club house this evening for, invited several hundred guests. Santa Claus was in Hecker, Mertz store from 3 o clocks on.
Friday, Dec. 26, 1930
This morning we all went to church. The Eichenseer’s kids were all here this morning. Harold, Cyril, Clarence, Lucinda. Them boys all got pocket knifes for Christmas from Santa Claus. Today Bill Freund was here for dinner, he brought Rosalia & Bertille each a scarf for a Christmas present. Rosalia got the mail this morning. I seen in the papers that Al Geodelle of Waterloo have a little girl. Mr. McCarthy teacher of the Hecker Public School had a Christmas Program & also Santa Claus was there, he received many beautiful present, powder, perfume, shaving outfit from the school children, & he presented them each with a bag of candy. School is closed now till Monday, Jan. 5 1931. The author Mr. Harris, of the piece “After the Ball” passed away at the age of 65, I seen in the paper.
Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1930
Mr. Rhein was here this morning & delivered our victrola. This afternoon we all went to confession. This evening Santa Claus came. Henry & Leona & family were here all night, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here till about 10 o’clock. Papa got a tie, shirt, garters for Christmas. Rosalia got 2 handkerchiefs, a box powder, perfume, garters, puff, handkerchief, 75¢, scarf. Bertille got garters, perfume 2 bottles,powder, cat [?], 75¢, scarf. We played victrola this evening & also 6 handed game of pinochle & Papa & Uncle Fred & Bertille were the winners.
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