Cut in 12 qts kraut, canned 3 1/2 plums baked cookies, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary worked up here. Braun & stoff guy man stoped [sic] this morn, wanted lumber for make stoff.
Wednesday, June 28, 1939
Nice day. cloudy & little rain this afternoon. Ed Helfrich & Leona Horcher are being married at Columbia today, wedding dance at Pautler’s tonite. Wm Braun was here, signing oil leases for another 3 mons $1. Pap signed again. cut lawn, cut in 16 qts. kraut this morn. Pap went to meeting at Kammlers. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] was here this eve. Leo’s they had heavy rain.
Monday, July 11, 1938
Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s washed & cut in kraut, 49 gals. Emil came over awhile, hottest day so far 102 [degrees]. Pap dug 1 bu. potatoes.
Tuesday, Aug. 24, 1937
Cut in 7 qts kraut. Uncle Fred came, Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo, with him. Washed ironed this afternoon; cut tomatoes 1 bu. for catsup. Pap dug all our potatoes. Circus at Waterloo today & nite. Walter Pour was here wanted peaches; didn’t have none right now. Pap went down to see Louis Armstutz about lime dust. Eggs 18½ ¢ now.
Tuesday, June 22, 1937
Cut in 13 qts. kraut; 3 qts beets; this morning. This afternoon varnished kitchen cupboards & doors, woodwork. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up, working across the street.
Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1936
Pap went out to help Henry again. We canned 8 qts. kraut. Had chicken dinner. Mondaville has church pinic [sic] today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & took Berti along, had chicken supper there, German Band played; in evening, we stayed till 8:30, had nice time. Pap brought Billy [Willis] along home at noon, & nearly bu. pickles; we canned 16 qts.& 1 gal. & gave some to the neighbors yet. Eggs 20¢. Streets in town look pretty nice.
Friday, June 28, 1935
We cut in 3 gals. sour kraut [sic], bus. basket full. Leona brought Henry & Emil up, she went back had to go to Waterloo Robert to instructions. Joe Watchel was here yesterday evening awhile. Mr. Fred Werner died, buried this afternoon at Belleville, Walnut Hill cemetery. He was pretty old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped shack wheat this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Vic Geodelle of Waterloo have a 9½ lb. baby girl born June 26 & Herman Miller of St. Louis have a 7½ lb. baby girl born June 21. Mr. & Mrs. Harbaugh grand parents of Waterloo.
Saturday, July 8, 1933
We all went out to Henry’s threshing, but it rained before they got started, & rain all day, so a few where there for morning lunch, & the rest went home. We where there for lunch & dinner, then went home, & what a time! stuck here & there, had to push nearly all the way across the hills. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to Hecker first, planted beans, pickles & etc, then went home. Harry Kammler is giving a dance to nite, but not much doing, Dixie Blue Bloys mussic [sic], it is still raining. We cut in about 1 gal kraut; what we took along out to Leona’s & back.
Friday, Aug. 26, 1932
It rained last night, we cut in 2½ saurkraut [sic] this morning. Rang over the lines this morn, that Geo. Lorberg is going to have a shooting match next Sun. on ducks, & pigs. Papa got a letter from Gus. Blackburn, for $3.00 that papa owes him for road rent 1 yr. ago; they had called it straight, till now it want his pay. Papa hauled a load of wood & he seen Gus, so he is going to pay him in the near future. A fellow from St. Louis was here & bought 12 doz. eggs & 9 lbs. springs 13¢ & eggs 15¢. Bertille went over to Renneckers with the papers.
Monday, August 31, 1931
We canned saurkraut, [sic] 8 qts from 2 gallons. We washed this morning, started about 10 o clock, because it looked so like rain. This afternoon we went out to Aunt Mary’s helped with the peaches. We had lunch & supper there. Henry & Leona came there too & left the kids there, while they went to Belleville. She took a basket of peaches along from her, they also got a bu. from Ralph Collier’s at Waterloo, for 50¢. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here, they went down to see Adam Eckert he is in bed, with Rhuematism [sic] since Sat a week, it started, he had to crawl in the house, it is so in his legs. It was in the paper that Anton Buehler left Mon. for Mascoutah, where he will be the guest of Chas. Mueth’s family.
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