Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Leona’s today had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred was here, he brought some papers here & had to get things for threshing at Oscar Birkners. & take Leona along out; they have them there for supper. Lots of cars passing by today. Kleber threshed over at Mengs; everybody was shooting in town this evening; Ed Scheinder was here.
Monday, July 3, 1933
We washed, ironed, took our onions out, it nice this morning, cool. 7 pigs born tonite. Scheinder kids cut hay, rake & piled it here today, papa helped them; eggs 10¢. flour is going up.
Friday, June 30, 1933
Scheiders are threshing, they finished last nite at the house & moved up here right away this morning, & started threshing 267 bus. altogether, we got 69 bus. they had them for lunch, so they ate here in the dining room. Mrs. Scheinder & Eunice, Carol Papenberg, Cecelia Parker, we had lunch with them. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to help to; had dinner & then went to Christ Buehler’s this afternoon, threshing there. Seen in the Waterloo paper, that Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Doyle have a baby boy & also Mr. & Mrs. Al. Crook first born. Louis Goessling & family, are back again from Nashville, & working on Hecker road now.
Sunday, June 4, 1933
We where at church. Henry came to Red Bud to around Palls corner, he went to church to, then him & papa went to Prairie Du Rocher again by Laurent to look at his mare & colt again. Ed. Schilling & Forness was published second time, & Auther [sic – Arthur] Moehrs Red Bud & Isabella Kalmer Tiptown first time. Gregson’s stoped [sic] in as they went home from church & brought a t puzzle; we worked it out already; if it is right we don’t know. Ralph Etling came & paid balance on Int. $25.85 it is now paid for 1932. We ate lunch by Uncle Freds this afternoon. Tiptown & Heckers ball team played today in the new diamond here in town. now, Hecker won 5 to 6. We drove out to Henry’s to look at the mare & cold that he traded on his cow, they wasn’t at home, so we went back again, drove out to the cemetery, around the prairie home; Uncle Fred’s went to Hy. Birkner’s birthday. We went up to Kabureck’s dance this evening, oh! boy & a good time, lot of people, hall was crowded, Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic]. The road men worked at Schender’s today, leveing [leveling?] that all of along there the road looks so much different, the hills cut down nearly all level there.
Thursday, June 1, 1933
Scheinder is still puting [sic] up hay. Papa is working corn ground. Clarence Wittenauer & Wilfred Eichenseers where here talk business on ball ground, he took it & brought $12 so far, has $3 more to make, Clarence had asked all the business places in town, but couldn’t get any more & that together. Arthur Schaefer planted corn for us today for 50¢ & had lunch here. Papa was out to see him this morning about it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, we helped them pick & stone cherries. Uncle Fred used the mule over there this afternoon. Louis Reifschender was here, looked at the mule. eggs are only 7¢ at Eichenseers today.
Wednesday, May 31, 1933
We washed, ironed, Pete Watchels called there little girl Alsace, & George Lorbergs called there boy William. Ed Scheinder is making hay. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. Marshal Schender of Smithon [sic] was here, & then him & papa went out to look at Uncle Freds horses. A man was here trying to sell electric plants. We all went out to Ed. Parker’s dance, the crowd wasn’t so large as the other time. Henry Keorber announced a dance at John Lipperts June 10 musci [sic] furnished by Riverside band. Rheinhardt played tonite. Henry Henze Sr. died between 4 & 5 o clock this evening, he has been ailing for quite awhile. Mrs. Pete Wittenauer was buried this morning at Belleville, St. Luke’s church, Green Mount cemetery.
Monday, May 29, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henrys washed 2 weeks wash, quilts, worked garden had lunch, dinner, lunch. Laurent from Prairie Du Rocher, & papa came out to look at Henry’s cow he had to trade, didn’t make no trade though, then they went to Uncle Freds, made no trade there either, Henry bought a sheep from him yesterday for .50¢ & old one. Ed Scheinder cut our hay around here, & is going to make it on shares. There was a guy here from below Red Bud, wanted to buy horses. Mr. Philip Wuertz & Ted where here got some more hay. Mrs. Rennecker is 61 yrs. old today. Wagner & Lauts went.
Thursday, May 18, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s helped, wash & work garden, planted cabbage & tomato plants. Eunice Scheinder was here & paid papa the rest of the money for the setting eggs that time. We have 8 little pigs born today but 1 is dead.
Wednesday, May 17, 1933
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, brought tomato & cabbage plants along; for Leona. Henry & family came to. & also Bill & Mike, Creses & Mrs. Al Scheinder & her boy. Creses, Rosalia & Bertille went to the baseball dance in Kammler’s hall. They pulled our machine in to Waterloo, behind Bill’s; he is going to finished it in there. Papa went over to Meng’s awhile this morn. eggs are 9¢.
Wednesday, April 26, 1933
We cleaned the kitchen stove & pipes. Rosalia went out to Uncle Freds & got the potatoe [sic] plow. Broad Hollow Grange is giving a play “Civil Service” tonite & dance after it. We planted 2 bus potatoes. Papa planted a patch of corn. Rosa & Bert went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, washed & worked the garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, stayed in Hecker over nite, she brought 90 cabbage plants & few tomatoe [sic] plants along. The road worker are working by Kammler’s & Scheinders today.
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