We went out to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. In the afternoon we all went over to the cemetery, Ed Scheinder family & some relation & Phil & Henry Braun where there they went all through the house & barn, so did we. Scheinder is going to rent the place. We went to Uncle Adam’s & Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred rode along with us there this evening. Jonny Kreher’s sure must of had some dance the other night. Frank Birkner was so drunk. Isadore Helfrich was going to take them home she was no better, he run up the lumber pile; so Henry Spalt took them home. Last Sat, Krehres [sic] & Kemp where cutting a tree down between the hills & it fell the wrong way & smashed the top in on George Wiegands machine & another one yet.
Saturday, March 11, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up here & papa went along with them to Mrs. Louisa Soul’s sale, but didn’t buy anything brought a fair price. They stayed here for supper. Ike Napier come & paid for the hog 450 – $13.90. Ed Scheinder got 43½ doz. eggs for hatching, but only paid $2.20 so far still $2.15 to pay yet, but had no more money. Roy Stauenfbiel brought the crushing down this eve, it wasn’t working, this morning; something was out of order. There was awful large attendance at Saul’s sale. Mrs. Vic Eichenseer, Lucinda, Bud, & Angela & Clarence Wittenauer came this evening, we played pinochle six hand. 2 games.
Monday, March 6, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went out to Henrys got a hog. We set up our brooder stove in the basement & started it a going. It rained all day. The banks are closed all over the state since Sat, till Mar. 8 Wed; the egg man didn’t buy any of our eggs today, he had to many, price came down, 9¢ today, he took 10 doz. of Aunt Marys here. Ed Schender wants our eggs for hatching he wants 500. Henry got a card sent from Illmo Hatchery in East St. Louis, that chicks will be $4.55 per 100 tomorrow only.
Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1933
St. Valentine’s Day, & turning cold again, rain & sleet. We got a bottle of bluing today by mail from so Co. got the Chicago Mail Order catalog. There was a fellow around & brought a bottle of medicine good for everything. Rosalia took a dose after supper. Henry Armstutz was here this morn. There was a guy around delivering Freedman Bros. papers sale. Red Bud & Waterloo are giving euchres this evening, but it is an awful bad nite, so we didn’t go. Ironed & quilt today. Mrs. Schenider called up & wanted setting eggs, but we haven’t any right now. The hard road is awful slick, there was a car turned over in front of Ed Parker’s, & Vic Braun & Paul Neff turned over in Smithon [sic] at Siebert store, they where coming home from St. Louis. Ralph Rausch turned over with his lic. [ed. note: unclear] Willie Heyl’s boy is being buried this afternoon at Waterloo.
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1932
Hy. Armstutz was here. Ed Scheinder finished sowing wheat up here this morn. Papa went out & cleared a road in the woods to haul grovel out. Bertille went to the dentist. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Those fellows that work on the telephone lines came here, on business. We sold 7 doz. eggs 25¢ to strangers from E. St. Louis, they stopped in. Today is Ralph Rausch birthday 21 yrs. old, Henry is surprising him tonite with a dance at Harry’s. Henry Rausch invited papa & us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we all went up to the dance, nice crowds, all different kinds of musci [sic], Ill. Roamer, Karl Boll, Wm. Hy Birkner, beer & cake where served, one cake with 21 candles burning. Joe Hilpert & John Beshtolff of Belleville came here awhile before we went to the dance, they stay here by the priest, are carpeting out on the church place, they are putting new boards around the barn.
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1932
Miss Bell is 63 yrs. old today. Jung the egg man was here & got 39 doz. eggs at 15¢. Papa cut corn on Uncle Fred’s place, & then he got some whey, 2 barrels for Henry. We are cooking catsup, canning some 4 qts, & 7 qts & 4 pints saurkraut [sic]. We have the cans all filled now. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to cut corn there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up again this afternoon. Shcinder is plowing here. Jung was here & cashed his check.
Friday, Sept. 2, 1932
Papa got corn farthen from Uncle Freds this morn. we are baking bread, cooking catsup, & baking cakes, coffee cakes. It is raining, this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for Phil Braun’s dance, open air floor dance, they put a tarpolian [sic – tarpaulin] over it & fixed it so no one could go in without paying 25¢, & couldn’t see from the outside because he had it between buildings. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s. got oats. Henry Jackson was there & said that he had bought a horse. Ed Schinder is plowing.
Thursday, Aug. 4, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came after dinner. Papa & him went after our pig what we got last night, he was out at Ed. Scheinder, when they got him. Eggs are 12¢.
Wednesday, Aug. 3, 1932
Ed Scheinder was here yesterday evening to look over the ground, he wants to rent some, then he went to the dairy meeting at the new school. Ath. Russell Classen was the speaker. Today is Evansville Church pinic [sic], 3 big bands, big parade & chicken supper. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get a load of oats. There was a man around selling a rubber to open a tightened fruit jars. Papa got his hair cut. We planted some beans & made a patch ready for pickles, & cut in about 1 gal. kraut. This evening we all went to Zeibold’s farm & got a stack hog for $4.00. We just had got home & then company, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Crowe & Mrs. Jim Crowe & daughters Ina May & Arlow [sic – Orlou].
Thursday, June 30, 1932
Papa went up to see Fix but he wasn’t at home. He stopped in at Scheinder’s at Smithon [sic] & told him we have horses for sale. Clifford came over at noon. Papa rode the saddle horse out to Henry’s & brought the mule back. Bobby & Floyd got there pictures taken on it; & rode him around. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening a while, to see Mr. Gambach, they aren’t going to the funeral, because they have hay to make. Jos. Schilling finished threshing 520 bu. he got. George Schilling also started today.
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