Leo & Rosalia came down, brought her wash along, we washed together, & ironed patched etc. Bill [Klein] came helped put concrete posts down; Marita stayed here all nite. Jos. Braun died will be buried tomorrow morn. at Fateyville Church & Mt. Carmell cemetery at Belleville. Berrings had free coon lunch & horse peffer [hasenpfeffer?] last nite called over lines. Louis Schoenborn got tickets for wrestling match at E. St. Louis; Bill [Klein] got Bert [Bertille] & went.
Sunday, Dec. 3, 1939
Went to Red Bud mass with Bill [Klein], he had Walter Helfrich, Les Becker along. Leo & family came this afternoon & pap went to see Perry May & guy back at Burksville. Bill came took Bert [Bertille] along & Mr & Mrs Walter Sternan & son Roland, all went to Ridgetop Tenn. at Nashville left at 3:30, got there at 10:30, plesent [sic] trip, Mr Sternan went to see his brother Henry who is sick in a sanatorium, had flat tire on way back, left down there at 10:30 Mon. morning & got home about 6 at Smithton, then Bill & Bert & Frank Klein & wife & Louis Schoenborn went to Edwardsville, took Frank to poultry meeting there, altogether made 838 miles trip from Sun. afternoon till Mon. nite. Bert won pencil at poultry meeting, brought a few rocks, like sponge from Tenn.
Thursday, Sept. 28, 1939
Bert [Bertille] baked pie. Pap dug all our sweet potatoes, 3 bus. Bert went out to Brand’s this afternoon. Fr. Simon is going around solicting [sic] for Belleville St. Henry’s College, to build some post to it, never came here. Mrs. Joe Schilling is pretty low. St. Everdine is home & all children there, doctor gave up all hopes. Lee Gregson & Vera Schmitz were married at Renault mass this morn; her brother groomsman & Mildren Rist bridesmaid, Lester Chaffeaur, dealers car going to go to Alba. tomorrow. Dan Schmidt of Waterloo & Regina Schoenborn of Belleville were married yesterday afternoon at St. Marys Rectory of Belleville.
Thursday, Aug. 17, 1939
Went to Leo’s took peaches along for her. she [Rosalia] got 23 qts., not has 46 if they don’t spoil. Pap went to Kleins look at heifers; didn’t buy yet; we had to go home by way of Schoenborn’s, also stoped [sic], seen Mr. Schoenborn who has been paralysed [sic] for couple years; oiling the road. Raining this eve. pretty nice for quite awhile. Mary Schaefer was buried at Hecker cemetery yesterday morn; Aunt to Jac Schaefer where she made her house, old lady.
Wednesday, Aug. 2, 1939
Billies [Willis] 6 yrs. birthday. Henry was up this morn. Raining this morn. & good shower this afternoon. Church pinics [sic] at Red Bud & Paderborn. We went to Red Bud for supper, Bill [Klein] came down from work at Smithton, & went to Paderborn pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing there. Some of the prizes, set of knives & forks to Ray Neff & quilt to Gert Neff, case beer to Cyril Haudrich, spread, Geo Orlet, gas [? – unclear] to Smithton spread to Jac Schoenborn; flour to Fred Watchels & others.
Monday, July 10, 1939
Washed, ironed & patched. Pap went to Red Bud to get lumber for wheat bin. Bill [Klein] came told us that Louis Schoenborn & Isd. Watchel had accident last nite at around 12:30 Isd. driving his Louis V8 – run in ditch & turned it over, & Isd. going through top & was killed & Louis has only few scratches, car is wrecked, happened on oil road between Floraville & Paderborn. Isd. is at Millsdadt [sic] Funeral Home 23 yrs. old. Hy Armstutz was here wanted potatoes, we didn’t have none dug now. Mauff kroger man was here, didn’t need nothing. Some are threshing today, anyway south of here Klotz’s threshing today. Leo & family were down. Emil came over a little while.
Monday, April 24, 1939
Washed, ironed, cleaned front room put up screens. Pap cut lawn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, worked in garden. Paderborn school children have there play tonite. Bill [Klein] came & Leo & family, brought Marita here to stayed all nite, & rest of us went to play, sure was good; had dance after musci [sic] by Rheinhardts, Schoenborn band; had awful crowd.
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1939
Cloudy. Leo & family came down, we had chicken soup dinner; he helped pap fix fence, got 2 sows from here, took them there with Whip.; on trade for heifer from Leo, brought that home here; they did the work while home, had supper here, stayed awhile, quilted this eve. Steve Renneker came, paid for his hog $[unclear] @ $7.75. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn to Euchre party, had 8 points got table cloth & Bill had 7 got can pineapple, quite a crowd present, had a dance after, musci [sic] by Jac. Schoenborn. Henry came to get black & [unclear]. Mary Grossheim was found dead in bed this morn. hadn’t been ill at all, will be 62 in May, buried Sat. morn.
Thursday, Dec. 8, 1938
Raining today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] brought baby [Marita] here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, had dinner here, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary also at Belleville, Caming was here again. Emil came this afternoon awhile. Hecker church have 13 hr. Devotion today. Bill [Klein] & Bert went to Paderborn Sodality of Young boys & girls had banquet, given by Father Weskamp others playing cards, eating & drinking, & followed by dancing, musci [sic] by Jac. Schoenborn, new accordion & also Rheinhardt.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1938
Raining all day, starting at 8:30. Bert [Bertille] washed, had to hang it in basement on account of the rain, Josie Keller came out had dinner & supper here; had chicken for supper, she took eggs, chicken & potatoes along back. Birkners couldn’t came up, on account of the weather, roads being to muddy. Joe Schaefer & Loretta Biffar were married at Waterloo this morn. real rainy day; had wedding dance at Paulter’s pavilion we went; attendants were here [sic] sister Priscilla with rust color dress, & Mildred Rheinhardt blue; boys I don’t know; had nice big crowd, served cake to all. Schoenborns Orc. played.
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