Thursday, Nov. 4, 1937

Pretty cold, also yesterday morn. Henry brought load corn; white frost this morn. Ella Miller’s son in law is being buried this afternoon, his wife died yr. ago; leaves 2 children. had pneumonia, sick for 4 days. 41 yrs. old lives in Belleville. Uncle Fred came & him & pap went to school grounds, haul toilets home with the wagon & team; had dinner out there. Bert [Bertille] patched. Gauen came got ham 14½ lbs. @ 40¢. – cloudy this afternoon. Raining tonite; we went over to see Emil awhile, read papers etc.

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1937

Washed, ironed, scrubbed basement. Pap went out all day on business trip. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, he went to Public School had auction sale – toilets etc.; he bought the 2 for $3.55 cheap. they have new ones in down there now; sold the old one; 8 oclock sale. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came was going to go to A. [Aunt] Mary’s, but they were here, so we played 5 hand pinochle. Kettler won county commissioner. Weigand went down salt lake, he won in the precincts around here, but no where else. Olive Laut came, got ½ bu. turnips.