Washed, ironed, cleaned front room put up screens. Pap cut lawn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, worked in garden. Paderborn school children have there play tonite. Bill [Klein] came & Leo & family, brought Marita here to stayed all nite, & rest of us went to play, sure was good; had dance after musci [sic] by Rheinhardts, Schoenborn band; had awful crowd.
Sunday, May 15, 1938
Went to mass at Red Bud; stayed at hospital awhile; went home. Went down again this afternoon. Fr. Spors. christened the baby this afternoon 1:30 named it Bertille Marita Orlet, call it Marita. Pap & Bertille sponsors. Bill came down to hospital & we went over to hall, to school children’s play was very good; came home had supper went to Firemen’s Dance at Maniers Hall awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile. Leo came, went to Red Bud to stay all nite. Leo Myerscough visited there this eve.
Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1936
We washed, cleaned basement, fried in meat etc. Bert got mailed Christmas cards from J. Keller, Fr. Stern, First National Bank at Waterloo. Berti got a punch for a 5 lb. box candy by Mertz paid .03. Name Dorthy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here, then went to the school children’s play in School Hall.
Sunday, May 28, 1933
We went to Red Bud, & to Ratz’s looked at a horse. Henry & family where up for dinner, & supper. Papa, Henry & boys went to Prairie Du Rocher to looked at horse & colt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went down to the bridge, & from there came here, had supper, then went home came back again & went to the play in St. Augustine’s Hall school children, gave one Adm. 35¢. We went over to Wagner’s awhile, Rob & Olive Laut came too. Ed Schilling & Mary Furnace where published for the first time in Red Bud, & Waterloo. Miss Frieda Keim, Pete Keim’s daughter & Oscar Jatho, ran of to Belleville & where married last Thurs. afternoon by the squire, he had been going to instructions. Hecker ball team played Floraville at Hecker & won 23 to 3 in favor of Hecker, they won every game so far this season.
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