Pap went to Red Bud to see Schreiber’s about clover seed; went out to Henry’s & weighed the seed 1400 lbs. in all. Went to Waterloo this afternoon, got seed fixed at the mill, samples to send of [sic – off] to have tested for sale; had to pay 12 [cents] postage.
Saturday, Dec. 10, 1938
Pap went to Hoef’s bought 7 pigs $40. weigh 55 to 34. Went to Red Bud. Schriebers put a new heater in, other one leaked. Bert [Bertille] went to Fr. Spors paid $12.00 pew rent. Went to Leos tonite, awhile, played cards. Marita’s colds pretty good.
Saturday, July 23, 1938
Nice day but hot. Mayme Prickett is appointed post office clerk while Len Mertz has gone on a trip to Omaha Neb. So many sales this afternoon Prediger’s, Friedrich, town sale Schrieber Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to Red Bud, to Schrieber’s sale. We went to Leo’s this eve. cut lawn, cut pickles etc. they had intended coming down.
Saturday, July 9, 1938
Pap went to Red Bud to the funeral of Mrs. Cowell 81 yrs. to be buried in Hecker cemetery. Mrs. Rapp’s mother. Bert [Bertille] canned 2 qt. peaches. Schriebers was here twice trying to trade cars, he would give $164. for Chev. on a new 1938, & we could keep Whip. We went to Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] this afternoon.
Tuesday, May 17, 1938
Pap came down, got Bert [Bertille], washed, had to hang it in basement, raining all day; As we were coming home just a little ways on this side of Red Bud Stehlhorns kid was playing out at the road he picked up a rock & hit the glass in our car, & flew all to pieces, we drove to there house, said we should get it fixed at Schriebers, so pap went down again, had it put in, $2. Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & boys went down to hospital this afternoon, today she [Rosalia] can sit up & tomorrow get up & walk around & next day go home Doc said. Bert caned [sic – canned] 2 qts. 2 pts cherries, isn’t all of them yet, just the ripest once [sic – ones] off of a tree. Leo came down stayed all nite at Red Bud.
Friday, Jan. 21, 1938
Pap went to Red Bud took 443 lbs. clover seed to Schrieber’s. for 8 1/2 [cents]. Melvin Wagner has the measles, got a sign up, Osies Neff’s, Weigands, Geodelle’s, Klotz’s kids all have them now. Bert [Bertille] send an order to Chicago Mail Or; one to Si & Freckles at Quincy, describing Hecker; one to Ohio to a Oxydol Advertisment [sic]. A fellow here to see about clover seed again. Myrtle Neff is pretty sick.
Friday, June 26, 1936
Cleaned hen house. Bert baked bread & cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢. Hy Stahleber was here. Hy. Grosse of Waterloo bought. Jobrusch hand was in store, & Jobush is to be postmaster. Al. Schrieber is to be in Red Bud. Roy Gregson & Lucille Kaffai were married last Tues. morning, Alvin Kaffai & Lenora Ziebald attendants, it says in the messenger, also says that 800 men attended the Holy Name Conference here last Sun. afternoon. At 5 o clock this evening the temperature in 90 degrees. Rettinghouse came down & fixed the Whip. this morning couldn’t get it started.
Tuesday, April 21, 1936
Rain this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she stayed here & pap went along with him to Waterloo, paid taxes, $206.84; got flour & chic mash. Minnie Staufenbiel came here to see Aunt Mary about fixing her dress for her. Pap & Uncle went to Red Bud see Schrieber garage man on trading cars; they want to get a new Chev. coupe, soon. Eggs are 18¢ at present. Mr Gus Ettling died at the home of his son Oswald at Belleville, was reported on radio. Pap took Whippet to Probst’s got it repaired & oil put in.
Sunday, March 17, 1935
St. Patricks Day. Went to church, went out to Uncle Freds & had dinner & supper, played cards listened to the radio. Mr. Bill Braun of Red Bud came gave us all a ride in his new coach, we all got a chance on one to be given away in Apr. by the Co.; he is a sales agent for chev, working for Schrieber; at Red Bud; we rode out as far Blackjack road & back again, papa drove the car. Oak Grove & Doanhoe’s Brezzy Hill all are having St. Patricks dances tonite, we didn’t go; Lent.
Thursday, Aug. 9, 1934
Papa & Rosalia took wheat to Waterloo, got 90¢ the price is 96¢ now; they blew out a tire by Kectritz coming home & drove on it all the way home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, he lawned. We went to Red Bud, bought 2 new tires & tubes for the Whip from Schrieber’s, $13.50 got tickets too.
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