Today is Catholic Church Picnic, nice day. Rosalia & Bertille went up a little while in the evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. Henry & family came – they left the kids with Papa & they went to the pinic [sic] too. It turned out to be a big crowd, someone said they sold 300 supper thickets [sic]. He had the victrola & radio agoing that’s all the musci [sic] they had. There where mostly all strange people there, from St. Louis, Belleville, & all over. The auction the pies & cakes out, some brought 10-15-20-55¢ & Aunt Mary bought one before that & paid 30 for Whiter & a piece or two Sunshine. Papa went along out to Schulz’s with Eichenseer’s to help set up a binder. Odillo said he was going to St. Louis tonight, to a party.
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