Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner & supper, he helped pap in the woods all day, made a lace dress for Aunt Mary & Rose made smocking on one of them. Frantz baker man has a new delivery wagon. Frost & Hy Widel, Shloemer Ford Dealers was here tonite trying to sell a used Ford 1936, 5,000 miles for $575. & our Chev., allows $75; for ours.
Thursday, Dec. 5, 1935
Papa & Rose took a heifer out to Henry’s. We got 8 pigs born today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to Waterloo, & got his car looked after, had supper here; went home, came back again this evening & we all went to Christ Buehlers, gave them a visit, had a solo game; musci [sic] & singing. Rose sewed the star quilt together in stars.
Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1935
Papa went in the woods this afternoon, colder & raining tonite. Rose finished her dress. Berti baked cookies. Hugo Probst’s have a baby boy 9½ lb; born last nite.
Monday, Oct. 21, 1935
Rained last nite, cloudy today, we washed, ironed; cleaned basement etc. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville; came here brought a berry set along for us to give to Norma Geodelle’s wedding next Wed. Bernice got 1 doz. eggs. Rose cut herself a dress & sewed it this afternoon.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 1935
Rose & Berti spaded the garden over this morning, cut quilt patches this afternoon “Goose Trot” from different goods, sew them in the evening, need 16. Henry came, sewed wheat, had dinner & lunch. Leona is sick in bed, 104 fever, headache & side pain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, brought some pears along; also some more mullin leaves. Wm. Ganley was here on business. Eggs 25¢, Wheat $1.03.
Thursday, Sept. 26, 1935
Rain all day. No Sparta fair today. Ed Pabst brought the potatoes this morning; quite a few, about 8 bus. Rose sewed a jumper for Billy. Loyd Pabst & Alvin Voges is working in the Eagle Stove Foundry at Belleville now.
Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1935
Canned 1 qt. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Rose fixed Bert a skirt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up had lunch here. Bert took some cucumber pickles over to Clara; they got a 6 lb. fish from Hy. Armstutz. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wagner have a 8 lb. baby boy born this morning, everybody is well they say; that increases the Hecker population to 201. We went to Red Bud, then out to Tiptown to see Mike Elonka, about some pigs, but his were sold; then went to Burksville Station to see Van De Reit, to see a cow that Finnerty has to sell there for $40.00, old; then to Waterloo got beef bone for soup tomorrow; then home, had supper.
Friday, Aug. 16, 1935
Leona & Billy came, had dinner; remodeled her dresses. Henry brought the tractor & started plowing, it rained heavy couldn’t make hay; had lunch, Richard is out again to; was here. Seen in the Waterloo paper Vincent Walsh & Helen Keckritz were married Aug. 8 in St. Louis. Archie Wiehl has a little baby girl.
Tuesday, July 16, 1935
Finished patching, baked blackberry pie; got 42½ pt. sour kraut canned. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, canned beans, she claims hers don’t keep what she canned; also canned beets; & ironed for her. Uncle Matt & boys were here, he wanted to take him out in his woods to see how those fellows were making piling, 3½ ft. thought maybe papa would let them make some in our woods too. Rose took lawn mower to Fritsche got the handle fixed on it; then we cut lawn. Pap started painting chick house.
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