Monday, July 15, 1935

We washed, ironed. Papa went out to Henry’s set up schocks [sic]. Robert came along & helped to, had dinner & lunch. Then we all went blackberry picking, got about 3 gals. gave them some & also Aunt Mary, we canned 2 qts & made jelly. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she had her dress by Minnie & got something fixed over on it. Isd. Helfrich brought the coal for threshing had 58 bus. half here & the other out there. Our little pussies died papa buried them this morn. Eggs 19¢.

Friday, July 5, 1935

Baked bread. Papa went to Belleville. Tipton congregation had chicken supper yesterday; & Mr. Walsh student of Holy Priesthood here selling papers, we took it Catholic Extension Magazine $3.00 yr. rosary with it. he is selling that, to help the missions. Henry came & cut & raked hay. had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening she got her dress from Mrs. Staufenbiel’s. Sure hot 105 this aternoon. The Waterloo paper has that while Clyde Crowe was playing ball Sun. afternoon, in running after a foul ball, his pants caught fire, but it was put out & no damage was done; & another guy stepped on a rabbit & killed it some exciting ball game they lost track of the score. Harrisonville won all both game here with Hecker last Sun.

Tuesday, July 2, 1935

Henry & papa went to Red Bud to see Ratz. Baked cookies canned 5½ qts beets & 1 can beans; had chicken dinner. There was a car went by just like a train, from Hollywood; Motion Picture Studio. was very pretty. an airplane flew south west real low this morn. Papa went out to help Henry cut oats again, the Whip. stopped coming home on the other side of town, he called for Rose to come, pull him in now it works again. had lunch out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she & Berti went over to Minnies Staufenbiels, tried her dress; they had lunch here, & she went back over there again. Celestine Neff is working for Mrs. Mertz taking care of the baby Mrs. she is help out in the store, when the mail comes in.

Wednesday, June 12, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had lunch & dinner. Uncle went to Red Bud, took wheat down & got flour; sewed Bertie’s dress; Papa went out to Henry’s; he had a little bad luck, hitches the mares to the mower, wouldn’t go; fell down, broke a piece in mower. It sure is terrible hot today. Used cars sale at Nobbe’s at Waterloo.

Tuesday, June 4, 1935

Cleaned chicken house & garden, flowers. Baked bread, etc. Went to Belleville this afternoon. George Wagner borrowed 4 pronk [sic – prong] fork to help make hay by Wm. Harbaugh’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were in; had supper here; sewed a little on dress.

Monday, June 3, 1935

We washed, ironed; nice day. Frank Buehler & guy from Ava, came looked at the binder, & he bought it $25.00 Papa paid Buehler $8.00 he hauled it home to Ava for him; got it at noon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, cut a dress for Rose, skirt & waist seperate [sic] a white one; had lunch here; planted out sweet potatoe [sic] plants, picked cherries. Roy Cortner boys & Pierre Klotz had a accident last nite, Klotz car not impaired, fender were torn of; they say. Eggs 19¢ today, going down again.

Thursday, May 23, 1935

Went to Belleville, papa got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Wagner $3.50 was allowed $1 for gold crown on tooth. Rose & Bert went to Red Bud, went to Felcias Roscows got dress pattern, & we got 2 sacks feed from Zipfel. Rose took 6 doz. eggs. 21¢. Dr. Smith of Red Bud, his wife left him Sat., also Krehns fired hired girl. Henry came after wire stretcher, this evening.

Wednesday, May 22, 1935

Finished the dresses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then went to Belleville, they brought us 5¢ – 2 gal. skim milk along from the creamery, to make cheese. Papa got hair cut. We cleaned hen house, & put the young spring roosters over & fed them up to sell. Clifford gave up his job by Waterloo, & came back to Meng’s again now. Eggs are 20½¢ at Mertz today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church. It started in to rain again a little this evening & cloudy.

Monday, May 20, 1935

Raining again, sure terrible, no corn planted yet, its awful. Rose fixed paps shirt. Tiptown has euchre party at Burksville station tonite, was giving it for the last 2 weeks now; Farm Bureau has a meeting & movie show at Pautler’s farm tonite. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, he took the truck & went to Waterloo to Rahns & got a ice box for nothing, they were going to make kindling out of it, Emil came down, & helped to unload it. Eggs are 21¢. Pap got chain letter today Red Bud. Rose sent hers of 10¢ to Battermann of Carder. Ms. Qurin & Armstutz cow tester was here, but it rained so much, they didn’t go to it, coming again some other day. Mrs. Euler is in Red Bud Hospital now, was taken there since Mon; was to high at Mary’s Hospital at E. St. Louis, $1,000.00 for 1 mo; without nurse; she is awful bad, cancer of throat or jaw. Phil Mueth told that to Emil.

Friday, May 17, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Rose went to Belleville had dinner here. Mr. Hartman of Red Bud looked at the colt etc. The Puro Product man was here; Wangelein of Belleville was here & bought dairy mare for $30.00, got it this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again brought yeast along. Koestine’s on Reheis place have a little baby boy. Lester Gregson is being sued for an automobile accident, which happened a good while back. Berti took Mrs. Staufbiel’s pattern back again.