We washed, ironed, beautiful day, little windy. Eggs are 25¢. Papa went to Waterloo. Rob. Laut got sack hay for his rabbits, one a week. Rosalia sewed aprons. Angela Eichenseer’s birthdy. We patched.
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1935
The hog checks are being paid out at Waterloo today. Papa sewed clover seed this morn. Rose is making dresses, Berti baked cookies, surely is nice, but it is turning colder tonite. Bernice Wagner came, over & got 1 doz. eggs @ 26¢.
Monday, Feb. 4, 1935
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home after breakfast, froze a little. Mrs. Wil Klotz is very ill; eggs today is 26¢. Aunt Mary sent a dress pattern along with Louis Birkner for us; left it at Mertz’s Store. We went to Renneckers this evening, played pinochle, even games. Chas Hill & family left for Chicago for a 3 mo. job; with truck & car. Ed. Mengs butchered today.
Saturday, Feb. 2, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here all day again, remodeling dresses, finished quilt, we washed machines. so nice, the ground hog can see his shadow; played cards in eve.
Friday, February 1, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day, had breakfast, dinner & supper, played cards this evening, sewed Aunt a dress. Uncle went home this afternoon.
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1935
Baked bread; coffee cake. Mrs. Joe Deughardt of Belleville died will be buried tomorrow morning, St. Mary’s Church, she was 52 yrs, had been ailing for 3 years. Cold again today, we didn’t go to the poultry speaking at Red Bud. 50 chicks & 25 lbs. mash, was given as attendance prize. There is a euchre at Paderborn tonight, didn’t go to cold. Rose is making a “hit & miss” hat.
Thursday, Jan. 3, 1935
We washed, beautiful day, wind nice sunshine, Rosalia is making herself a blouse. Papa hauled load butchering wood. Mr. & Mrs. George Wagners 10 Wedding Anniversary today. Mr. David of Bricky Settlement was here, to see how many pigs were sold since Feurer counted them, this is the last time now, & then the check will come next.
Thursday, Nov. 8, 1934
Rose finished my dress, started hers. We had chicken soup dinner. Mr. William Rankin & painter of Waterloo, gave us a call. We went to Mr. John Dehn’s funeral at Red Bud this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went down too; we didn’t go out to the cemetery, it got so late, till church was over; an awful large funeral; nice flowers.
Monday, Nov. 5, 1934
Bertille’s birthday 20 yr. anniversary. Cleaned furnace, baked. Rosalia sewed dress. The dance given in Kammler’s Hall last night by The Pals of Harmony was nothing no crowd. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family & Mr. & Mrs. Dan Geodelle & family were here this evening, played cards.
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1934
Mamie Eichenseer came & brought the pattern back. Then she went to Angela’s quilting. We picked the green tomatoes got near a bu. Melvin Wagner was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, brought some rose bushes & trees. Henry & family also came, so pap stayed at home with the boys’ & we all went to the Rebpulic [sic – Republican] Meeting at Maniers Hall, free refreshments & dance; & was there people there, like pinic [sic], hall was crowded, & windows outside, Jesse Brown was speaker; & the Morone [sic – Monroe] Co. Officers there too.
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