Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon. We sewed dresses; they had lunch here. It is awful hot.
Monday, June 12, 1933
We washed, ironed. George Wagner brought our [illegible] back this morning. Henry came up with the team, & took our Whip & got 2 loads of coal & put them in the wagon here papa used his team so long working corn; he had lunch & dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, cut Bert’s dress out. It sure is nice & cool today, beautiful. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goessling have a little baby girl born Fri. nite; she was Adalia Wagner, she is pretty bad sick, had Fr. Aydt out there. Stern was called out some where.
Friday, June 9, 1933
We canned 4 pints peas, & Aunt Mary 3 pints. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch, dinner, lunch sewing dresses for her & Rosalia. Papa went down to Armstutz’s got there drag & rolled the corn patch.
Friday, May 12, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went in to Belleville twice this morning with hogs, took 4 to Streck Bros. 1,025 lbs. & $4.10 brought a cotton mattress along for Henry for $2.25. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over to help load the hogs up, was here for lunch; we baked bread, cookie, cake. Papa bought himself a straw hat for 25¢ this afternoon from Eichenseer; we got free today a toilet bowl idolizer, to remove all odors. It is in the paper that Louis Petrie Sr. died last Mon, had a stroke was buried yesterday afternoon. Vivian Geodelle daughter of Al Geodelle & Mr. George Stumpf of Belleville where married quitely last Sat. May 6. at the Evangical [sic] Church; the attendants where Miss Estel Geodell a cousin & Kermit a brother to the bride. Waterloo had a many visitors last Sun. just like homecoming to hear the band concert, 8 bands where present. Rosalia finished our dresses today. Papa went over by Wagners a little while. George told him that the ball team was going to give a dance in Kammler’s Hall last wed. nite but the hall was rented to Herzog & he had his dances so they will give one there next Wed nite; musci [sic] to be furnished by Rheinhardt & Skaers bros; we didn’t no a thing about a dance last wed. nite; rain every day this week, it is awful. Co. from Freeburg looked at mule.
Tuesday, May 2, 1933
We baked bread, coffee cake, cake. Rosalia sew dress. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary worked thire [sic] garden & things today; we helped them, & planted cabbage plants out for them & about 55 in our truck patch. Mrs. Joe Watchel’s birthday is today. It is awful cloudy weather, & cold.
Wednesday, February 1, 1933
Rosalia & Bertille went out to Uncle Freds remodeled dresses, had dinner & lunch. Bertille baked lemon pie there. We heard the Accidentals, Chas Hill & them played over the radio at noon hr; they had a good many tunes requested from all over, some from Waterloo, Sly Miller was one having his birthday today, they advertised the dance what he is giving at Brezzy [sic] Hill tonite. Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Hill & John Horn, from Hecker, & some from St. Louis, East St. Louis, Mo, different parts of Illinois, it was nice. Papa took dinner along & went out in the woods. Adolph Spalt’s had a pond digging frolic yesterday. Dr. Irwin died & will be buried Fri. morning. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Grohmann christened there baby girl Lucille Mildred last Sunday. Mr. August Ettling’s mother died at Smithon [sic]. There is quite a few people that is on the sick list at present. It is in the paper that a $25,000 suit was brought against Mr. & Mrs. Julius Armbruster of Smithon [sic] by Dominick Klein, for slander, saying that Klein’s owend [sic] a couple farms, then go out begging from people, or state.
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1932
It rained a little last night, warm again today. We are baking bread. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Uncle Fred’s this morning had dinner there, made 2 blouse shirts for the boys for Christmas. It got cloudy & black out in the northwest & thunder & lighten, wind, hail rain this evening, & turned cold.
Monday, Oct. 10, 1932
We didn’t wash, it is rainning [sic] a little this morn, & is awful cloudy. Mr. Hill was here to gather news this morning. Rosalia sewed a jumper. Bertille went over to Renneckers & got the paper. We took the cream & 41 lbs. hens to Eichenseers this evening. Papa paid Frances Eichenseer for 100 bus. coal $13.00 today.
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1932
Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to exchange papers this afternoon. Henry brought a load of corn up this afternoon. Chas Jung got 30 doz. eggs 20¢. Rosalia sewed jumper for papa. Iromme Rapp is going to Red Bud High School started this week. Geo. Pautlis Jr. had a wedding dance at his home last Sat. night, he married Eliza Roberts from New Florence Mo. Miss Frances Doyle & a guy from St. Louis got married last Sat. Papa took the cream up to Eichenseer’s shipped it over to St. Louis to the Blue Valley Creamery have to pay him 25¢ to take it over, we had 8 lbs on our scale. Bertille got the can again this evening.
Monday, March 21, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this morning, then came back again, he burnt all the rubbish over there & she helped fixed Bertille’s dresses. They had dinner with us. This afternoon about 3 o clock it got right black & blue, windy, it was terrible for awhile, everything blew around, hay stack fell over, buckets, blew a window out of Horn’s house, just nearly like a storm, it didn’t last so very long, but rained, hailed a little, got colder towards evening. In Chicago they had snow storm & thunder & lightening the paper says. Papa went to Waterloo this morning there all day. Vic Eichenseer was here & delivered some feed this morning. Mrs. Eichenseer had to go into Waterloo this afternoon, it is court week. Mr. Hill went along in.
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