Beautiful rain last nite, settled dust for awhile. Rob. Payne democratic candidate for clerk was here this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, went to Red Bud. Harry Wittenauer’s finished sewing wheat here today. Henry & family were up, he got some more wheat to sew; Listened to Major Bowes on radio.
Thursday, Oct. 14, 1937
Send a card for us to get group picture of Chas. Stookey’s Early Bird gang at KVSK. We had beef soup dinner. Schmidt brought sack mash feed; took our 4 gal. crock lard @ 12¢ lb. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs .21¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢; H. Wittenauer took ½ bu. to; sewing wheat here, yesterday afternoon & today. Cleaned bedroom, varnished furniture, & going to varnish floor tomorrow. Reports is that Mr. & Mrs. Pete Watchel have a baby boy Leroy, Tues. 4 girls 1 boy, & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wiegand have baby girl since Sun. morning.
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1937
Cooked kettle soap. Pap went out on business trip. Bert [Bertille] cleaned dining room varnished floor. Harry Wittenauer sewing wheat here today. Went to Red Bud this eve. Rosary Devotion.
Saturday, Oct. 9, 1937
Henry was here, got crushing done. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to Muskoph sale by Floraville & Milsdaldt [sic]. Rained a little last nite. Most people starting sew wheat today. Uncle Fred & A. Mary had supper here, went along with us to Pautler’s tonite, Standard Oil Co. is giving a free show “Stan” & free dance upstairs, musci [sic] by Radan Och. sure crowd the show was in the pavilion. Wienhoff & Schmidt have built a new garage & opened today, if you buy 5 gals. gas, get qt. oil free, today only.
Friday, Oct. 16, 1936
Pap helped Henry finished sewing wheat, he had dinner there. Rosalia took the truck out to get load oats; for crushing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. brought pickles up. Omer came awhile to. The Republicans have meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite J. Schmidt & Jess Brown speakers. Bernice got doz. eggs 26¢.
Thursday, Oct. 15, 1936
Pap went out sewing wheat again with the spring wagons. Rose took load wheat to Waterloo $1.13, we helped Leona, washed & stretched curtains; no school today Teacher meeting. We had dinner out there. Wheat is $1.13 that is what we got. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. A Hucksteer [sic? – huckster], from Red Bud was here comes every Thurs. has fruit & vegetables, we bought bananas. Budde got our old radio, took it to Guker’s at Red Bud; we kept his Philco electric, on even trade.
Friday, Oct. 11, 1935
Henry came, had lunches & dinner here, finished up sewing wheat today. Leona is still sick, doctor says cold on kidneys. We spaded a piece in back yard; & this afternoon cleaned dining room, washed curtains. Bernice brought the mail; she also had a chain letter if we wanted to try it, making a quilt block, & when your name reaches the top, you will receive 125 blocks, we didn’t try it. Clara Wagner came paid for the lard 16 lbs @ 20¢. Mr & Mrs. Roy Pautler have a 10 lb. baby boy born at Red Bud hospital on Oct. 8, first born. Wm. Huebners have also a baby boy. Wilbur Grossman of Smithon [sic] & lady friend Irene Rayson had a head on collision last Sun. afternoon with Beckmann of Columbia on the Prairie du Rocher; injuries were treated at Red Bud hospital.
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1930
Mrs. Alfred Stahl got buried yesterday afternoon at Smithton. She died in the hospital Friday at 6:30 in the evening. She was operated for gall stones about 4 weeks ago. Rosalia & Bertille went to Henry’s this afternoon to iron and help to work. They are sewing wheat, he wants to finish tomorrow. Mr. Hill was here this evening & collected telephone dues. We found 39 eggs today. Papa got the oil changed in the Whippet last Sat. in Waterloo, 6505 miles.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1930
Today is Uncle Pete Reheis birthday. Mr. Hill has a few men working on a sewer, they are going to dig a new sewer on South Main Street. Henry & Emil were here this afternoon, they and Papa went to Sitchefest to get a drill. Henry bought it for $2.00. He broke his old one that he had, so he got this one. Henry has about 20 acres of wheat sewed now. A St. Louis Baseball team played the Hecker team here Sunday. Hecker won 3 to 6. Last Wednesday they got Delbert Meuth from the hospital in St. Louis. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie Eichenseer and then all of us & Angela went to the meeting in the new school hall. After the meeting was over, Father said to take the chairs to one side and then we could dance. So we did. Isadore Helfrich & Edgar Wittenauer furnished music with the accordion & we also had the victrola music to dance on. We came home at 15:11.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 1930
It is raining again this morning. Chas. Rausch is getting buried this afternoon in the Old Hecker cemetery, rather Stehfest cemetery. Rosalia & Bertille started a quilt today a flat iron little patches. The rain stopped the people from sewing wheat now. Mrs. Peter Watchel had a sick spell again last night, but it wasn’t so bad. We found 33 eggs today.
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