We went to Red Bud. Mrs. Ben Mudd asked up for a donation for the social to be held July 27 we gave a $1.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner with us. There was a guy here yesterday selling shoe polish we bought a bottle. R. Schmidt the Shellane Dealer of Waterloo is giving a dance at Breezy Hill this evening & giving away a $100 Gas Range, to the Lucky winner thicket [sic – ticket]. Ed Classen & wife stopped in on there way by to say “Hello”! Bertille went over to Rennecker’s to exchange papers, Waterloo, & Red Bud. We all went to Breezy Hill to the dance, a big crowd, Melody Club Orchestra. Adm. 25¢. The Stove was won by a Stump, a Hartman from Red Bud, & a fellow from Renault, 3 different prizes where awarded.
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