Today is Uncle Pete Reheis birthday. Mr. Hill has a few men working on a sewer, they are going to dig a new sewer on South Main Street. Henry & Emil were here this afternoon, they and Papa went to Sitchefest to get a drill. Henry bought it for $2.00. He broke his old one that he had, so he got this one. Henry has about 20 acres of wheat sewed now. A St. Louis Baseball team played the Hecker team here Sunday. Hecker won 3 to 6. Last Wednesday they got Delbert Meuth from the hospital in St. Louis. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie Eichenseer and then all of us & Angela went to the meeting in the new school hall. After the meeting was over, Father said to take the chairs to one side and then we could dance. So we did. Isadore Helfrich & Edgar Wittenauer furnished music with the accordion & we also had the victrola music to dance on. We came home at 15:11.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1930
Filed Under: 1930, October Tagged With: accordion, Anton, baseball, birthday, dance, drill, Eichenseer, Emil, Hecker, Helfrich, Henry, Hill, hospital, Meuth, new_sewer, Rosalia, sewing_wheat, Sitchefest, Sitchefost, St. Augustine Church, St._Louis, St._Louis_Baseball_team, Uncle_Pete_Reheis, victrola, Wittenauer
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