We ironed, patched. Nice again today after the rain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family, Emil, Mr. Cleveland, were here for lunch, dinner, lunch. Robert got a fish, took it along home. Uncle also for supper, all worked on barn, all standing & nailed shut, on sides; Rosalia cut her a dress out. Aunt Mary was talking to Frieda Bueheler, she told her, they were going to move on Skaer’s place, were Bill Geodelle now lives, he is going to move, on Threfall’s farm; some moving around Oh! Boy.
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1933
It is awful cold, had ice last night; The Evangical [sic] League have Euchre, pinochle, bluey & dance in Kammlers Hall to nite. Buddy Ettling was here last night, wanted papa to help him bring the heifers up today. Papa went out to Henry’s, Ettling couldn’t bring them because they had to go St. Louis to a funeral, this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rosalia & Tillie went to the euchre, Rose got pillow cases; Aunt Mary got plates glass. Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic] for the dance, also 2 Skaers boy’s; it was an awful large crowd, the tables where fill in euchre & pinochle, & they had to get more chairs to play bluey, just crowded & not many prices [sic – prizes]. Adm. 25¢.
Saturday, Oct. 3, 1931
Today, Mrs. Val Fritsche of E. St. Louis is having sale on the Fritsche farm about 2½ mils [sic] from Hecker, where Joe. Herzog now lives. Also Leo Skaer of Millstadt is having sale, he lives on the Julius Stentcel farm, sale to start at 9 o clock. We all went there. Bertille rode along with Uncle Fred. They had the dinner along, we left there about 4 clock, didnt’ get anything, they had so much to sell.
Saturday, Sept. 26, 1931
Wm. Ganey was here & paid part interest $66.00 & still $59.00 due. It turned cold awful sudden today. The St. Augustine’s Church of Hecker, has pinic [sic] today, & Anhuser [sic] Busch from St. Louis is to be there with radio musci [sic] & donkeys. Miss Laurena Mehrman & Orlando Skaer are getting married at Floraville this afternoon, an a dance tonight there. We where all at Waterloo this afternoon & went to confession, we came through Red Bud home, stopped at J. Ducars, they have a team mules for sale.
Sunday, Sept. 20, 1931
We all went to Red Bud church. The Hecker Priest read Ignatz Neff name off this morning, he signed the paper at Belleville, this week his kids can come back to school if they want too. Osie Neff was here looking for Uncle Fred. Today is homecoming at Floraville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then about 4:30 left for the picnic. Joe Hibbert the carpenter & his brother Frank & a cousin was here for a short visit. He was visiting Hecker friends this afternoon. This evening we drove out to Henry’s took them along & went to the basement floor dance at George Freund’s. Adm. 30¢ as enter. Rheinhardt & Skaer furnished musci [sic], 3 pieces. Papa was up at the store awhile & he also stopped at George Wagner’s, she said that her sister Lorenia Merhmann & Orlindo Skaer are getting married next Sat. Sept 26 at Floraville.
Sunday, August 30, 1931
We all went to the pinic [sic] about 2:30. Had supper there, then went home & done the feeding & went back again, the Skaer’s boys played until 10 o clock. We met Irvin & Jake from St. Louis, there. The quilts were raffled to Mrs. Adolph Spalt, & to her sisters from St. Louis. In the bleuey [sic] stand they gave a 32 piece dinner set, it was won by Leo Cortner. Mrs. Adolph Rittmeyer died about 4 o clock this evening, her father died also on a pinic [sic] serveral [sic] years ago. Mr. Jake Mueth [ed. note: “Jake Mueth” is crossed out] of Belleville died, & Mr. Grossman of Smithon, [sic] Marshal Hill’s fatherinlaw was found dead in bed this morning.
Saturday, Jan. 3, 1931
Papa got crushing done this morning. This afternoon Papa & Rosalia went out to the woods & sawed a tree down. They stopped at Henry’s & brought our big table along back for butchering Monday. Tonight we all went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s first, Henry Birkner & family were also there & then we all went to Hy. Ronenberg birthday dance. There was an awful crowd there. Henry Birkner & Uncle Fred & Roy Stafenbiel furnished music. Those from here that were there were, Parkers, Pappenbergs, Rittemeyers, Probsts, Reheis, Watchel, Skaer boy played his guitar & sang three songs, one was, The Letter Edged in Black, Will You Let Me Sleep in Your Barn. It sure was nice. The Evansville relatives were all there too.
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