Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along to Smithon [sic] Turner Pinic [sic], not much of a crowd, came more in the evening. We got chances on winning 15 quilts. Went to Oak Grove free dance Au Buchon’s Orch. pretty nice crowd. Hy Huelsmann & Rosilla Braun were published first time today.
Monday, Sept. 2, 1935
Labor Day. We canned damson plums & jelly. Firemen’s pinic [sic] at Red Bud; chicken supper at Donahues, Tipton parish giving it there. We went to Red Bud to see the parade & pinic [sic] awhile then went to Donahue’s, stayed for the dance. Adm 25. A C Buchon’s Orch. It started in raining about 5 o clock, & went home then. Not much of a crowd in the evening, quite a few had supper. The Smithons [sic] Catholics have pinic [sic] also, we have chances on there, things that are to be raffled, cash, – etc. Henry started plowing this afternoon here, had lunch.
Thursday, Aug. 15, 1935
Holiday. Went to Red Bud 6 o clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch & dinner, this afternoon we all went to Belleville, we got spring hats white one. Took chances on Smithon [sic] Catholic Church pinic [sic], on Sept. 2; on 12 articles from Mrs. Schaefer. Went to Renneckers awhile. Gus Klotz & family came to.
Saturday, Aug. 10, 1935
Henry came & got his team & a wagon; had lunch here & engine moved out about 6 o’clock this morning. Katie Keorber youngest daughter of Louis Keorber & Wm. Weber’s boy were married last Sat. at 3:30 Smithon [sic] church; going to start in farming. Pap & Rose hauling wheat from Henry’s to Waterloo. Al Gauen came & got a 13½ lb. ham, 35¢. The price of hogs now is $12 – 100, market. Richard Crowe was out helping with threshing yesterday. Rained this morn. Wheat 77¢ had 17 bus. hauled to Waterloo. We went to a free dance at Pautlers tonite, nice crowd, Carle Schumacher Orchestra.
Monday, Aug. 5, 1935
We washed; ironed. Papa went in the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Bernice got 1 dz. eggs. The prizes at Smithon [sic] yesterday were won $100.00 by Wil Grossman $50.00 Quirin girl; Eichenseer won a quilt, there was $25.00 & set harness & 22 quilts all for 10¢ chance. Bud Braun & Roy Neff was here selling chances for the pinic [sic] on 28th Aug. pap took one.
Sunday, Aug. 4, 1935
Went to Red Bud; Slept all afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, then we all went to Smithon [sic] Homecoming about 4:30 & was there a crowd; seen the parade, at 5:30, so many floats representing the 12 mons. of year. Hetlesheims car, all decorated advertising the Firemens pinic [sic], with Gus. Frisch & Bill Frilsetu in the rumble seat; dancing afternoon & evening 5¢. dance. open air.
Thursday, July 25, 1935
Rose & Berti went to Red Bud got things, flour mash & fruit jars 2 doz. 75¢ ap. Canned peaches all day, 17 qts. Henry & family came, kids stayed here & they went to Belleville, had lunch here. Rain today again, this evening, every day so far this week it rained; heavy at Belleville & Athens. Mascoutah had a terrible storm the other day, no decent tree left any more, some were saying. Harold Wagner had a automobile accident Sun. night at Athens some one ran into him, without lights, machine is being repaired at Smithon [sic] garage. We went over to Renneckers awhile.
Monday, March 4, 1935
We washed, ironed, awful wind; made little garden. Henry & Albert Cleveland, were here for dinner, sewed oats, rained, after dinner, so they had to quite [sic – quit]. Mr. Stehl butcher of Smithon [sic] stopped here. They Daily Advocate man of Belleville, was here, to sell paper. Comes in on the bus, in the evening now. Mr. Zipfel of Lurlhs [?] Hatchery of Red Bud called over chicken this afternoon, put out 18, we have 106 layers now; Eggs are 19¢ today. Ed. Brand’s birthday.
Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1935
Henry, Leona & Billy [Willis] came up, they have corn & hog sign up meeting at the City Hall, Henry & papa went, this morning. They had dinner here; she brought a quilt along to mark off, ready to quilt next week. Mr. Ed Pabst was here to see dad. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon. There were quite a few people in town today, for the signing of corn & hog contracts. We dyed some dresses, blue & pink. Mr. Herold Smithton saloon keeper died, will be buried Fri. morning. In Smithon [sic] news was the names of all people attending Mr. Helfrich’s funeral, about 700 people. The Red Bud depot was robbed register & $26; they didn’t find the guys so far. We went out to Al. Clevelands, to nite played 6 hand pinochle, had light lunch, sausage etc., listened to the radio.
Saturday, Oct. 20, 1934
Papa got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon got bu. apples at Schmisseur’s Store for $1.00. It rained a little this morning. Mr. Hugo Schwagel of Smithon [sic], storeman & Miss Edna Southoff of Millsdat [sic] were united in marriage at New Baden at 7 o clock by Fr. Wallers this morning; surprize [sic] to there many friends. Mr. Henry Weigand is in the Hospital at Belleville, operated on Thurs. morning for appendix, is getting along well. Mr. Willie Matzenbacher’s called there baby boy Werner & Osie Matzenbacher called there Harold.
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