Cooked 2 kettles soap, put up wire fence. We planted potatoes, finished now; pap got Meng’s plow to make the rows. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to Red Bud to the card party, Berti had 9 points got cake pans. Uncle Fred, a little dress & Aunt Mary 25¢ sugar; the rest got nothing, not so much of a crowd. The hooked rug was won by Mrs. Leo Schumacher of Evansville, pillow slips by Mrs. Ratz, & Schuelte got attendance prize, a lace tablecloth, very pretty. Aunt Mary said Mr. Bill Sensel, Pete’s brother died at Waterloo will be buried there Thurs. afternoon, she was talking to him yet last Sat. there, he was O.K. then.
Friday, April 7, 1933
We cooked a kettle of soap again. eggs 9¢. We cut lawn, put out a sign for sale, eggs & hens. A lady around selling extracts again today, we didn’t buy anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, her, Rose & Bert went to church. Hy. Wedel Jr. guessed the closest to how many chevs where sold in 1932; the right number sold was 322,860 & he guessed 223,454 just 594 out of the way. They beat was Dr. Werth & H. B. Church. Wedel could either $50.59 radio huts [unclear – ed. note], or $50.00 to a purchase of a New Chev. Hecker had bus here this morning at 7,0 clock.
Wednesday, April 5, 1933
We cooked a kettle of soap. Over 11 hens hatched today 86 chicks. Man around selling apples at $1.50 bus. Tonight is church & a bank meeting for all despoistors [sic] of Red Bud bank at the high school there. We all went over to Renneckers, telephone meeting. H.M. Hill & Wagner where the only ones present.
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