Rain this afternoon. Awful fog this morn. Levi Gregson came paid for his 2 hogs. $39.40. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were all here for dinner. A. Mary went to Sodality Meeting & church this afternoon. Rules by the bishoff [sic – bishop] were read in all church this morn, Sat. nite dances forbidden, no intoxicating drinks at parties & pinics [sic], but a card party & pinics [sic] may be held but less frequently. Collection for school this morn. Levi Gregson’s & Joe’s, Lee & girl friend were all by Emil lately.
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1935
Pap & Rose cut corn, Bert baked bread; had chicken dinner. this afternoon dug potatoes, over 2 bus. & ½ bucket sweet potatoes, nice big ones. Mrs. Louis Miller is being buried at Belleville this afternoon, Cora Armstutz’s aunt, & Ida Heyl’s also. Hy. Euchelmann Jr. is giving a birthday dance at Coxeyville to nite, Moonlight Orc. case beer given as attendance prize. Showers in school hall here for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, given by sisters, & Sodality girls & there brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renneker came over this evening while.
Sunday, Sept. 22, 1935
Went to Red Bud; mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary dropped in a little while; after church; there going to have euchre in the school hall on Oct. 3. Joe Griffin & Tillie Hafley are to be married Tues. morn. 9 o clock mass here. The sisters are giving a shower Wed. evening in the school hall for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, Sodality’s invited, have to bring cake or sandwiches & present for each one; some shower. ha, – approaching marriages. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along to Floraville homecoming, such a crowd, all afternoon, the chicken was all gone early; lot people from the city; 7 quilts were raffled for 10¢. So many cars went by today, the Mission Rally is held at Ruma this afternoon, 2 o’clock, 2 sisters are departing for China Mission fields.
Sunday, June 9, 1935
Penetcost [sic]. We went to Red Bud, first mass, 5 boys were enrolled in to the Sodality. Henry & family were here for dinner supper. This afternoon we went along with him to New Athens & Marrisa, about 3 miles south from there we went & looked at a team 3 yr. old mares; drove them around in the wagon, pretty nice, so he bought them $100 a piece; from Edmond Hodges; came home; got Chris Buehler to get them, Hy went along & got them this evening yet; $4.50 to hauled them down; we went out to Henry’s helped with work; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came out then to see them. The Hecker priest Fr. Aydt has a bid day, he is 5 yrs. priest, 4 priests had the mass & Fr. Aydt made the sermon; choir from Belleville. The baseball team is playing at New Hanover today.
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