Mr. Caldwell from Burksville was here this morning for a short while. This afternoon we all went out to Henry’s to saw wood. Robert Laut, John Henkel, Emil were all helping. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelley are rejoicing over a new born baby girl last week. Leo McCarthy captured a fox last week & Greg McCarthy had a spelling contest in school last Sat. Robert Heyl was winner, he won 99 words out of 100, he missed the word alien. Mrs. Seibert of Smithton died and will be buried Sun. afternoon at Smithton. We put our Christmas bells on the window this evening. Hy. Armstutz store clerk at Gambach’s retired & is going out butchering now for the people & Ralph Rausch has filled the vacancy.
Friday, Dec. 19, 1930
Filed Under: 1930, December Tagged With: Armstutz, baby, birth, Burksville, butchering, Caldwell, Christmas, decorating, Emil, Gambach, Henkel, Henry, Heyl, Kelley, Laut, McCarthy, Rausch, retirement, Seibert, Siebert, Smithton, spelling_contest, wood
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