We ate our first spring chicken for this yr. today. Went to Belleville this afternoon, Bert [Bertille] got dress 25 [cents]. Harry Wittenauer stopped in; will be threshing here Sat.
Thursday, July 28, 1938
Had spring chicken dinner. Henry came this afternoon went to meeting at Kammler’s again this afternoon. Was at Waterloo this morn. got his check $152. & brought paps along $21.75. 1937 Agr. Conservation check. Henry does pretty good by signing up. We went to Smithton to bank; went to Rennkers awhile this eve.
Tuesday, July 12, 1938
Another hot day. Bert [Bertille] canned pickles from Rose [Rosalia] & 1 1/2 peaches. Have spring chicken dinner. Eggs 17 [cents]. Wheat .60 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. threshed oats at there place today. Bill [Klein] came from threshing at Cortners finished this afternoon, got our potatoes & onion. Al. Karban came awhile, came to Hecker to get ice.
Monday, Aug. 23, 1937
Rose came A. [Aunt] Mary & Josie stayed last nite, out. we canned 4 doz. qts peaches, & made preserves, 3 doz. for Rose; cooked 12 bottles catsup, canned 2 qts. Uncle Fred went & got Leo, all here for supper, had spring chicken 2 celebrating Wedd. Ann. [of Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary] Henry & family came here yet, got bu. peaches. S. Rennecker got bu. to said they were to green yet & we thought to ripe. Clara Wagner came, wanted peaches to; gave them mushmelon & watermelon.
Thursday, July 1, 1937
Ruma convent has big day. Sisters renew there vows & get the habit some of them. Rosalia Kern is one Chris Kern’s daughter of Red Bud. Bert [Bertille] went to Wagners awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Mehrmann got 9 doz. eggs @ 17¢. Edwin & Fritz Reheis finished the hay today. We had 1st. spring chicken 1¾ lb. enough for 2 meals for us. Bert. varnished dining room floor. Pap hauling straw.
Thursday, June 4, 1936
We clipped old hens wings. Aunt Mary shoes from Chicago Mail Or. & were to small had to send them back today. We had beef soup dinner. We ate 3 springs already, sure good, we got 111 old hens. There is Church pinic [sic] at Dupo today, were we got chances to win a V8 Ford; but I guess we won’t win anyway. Mr. Geo. Homringhausen gets buried this afternoon. Rose & Bert went to the funeral, down to Red Bud only to Dashner’s, he looks natural awful large funeral, Pall Bearers were, 4 fellows of Waterloo, J. Schmidt, L. Zimmer, Metzer, Friederich, Schuette & guy of Red Bud; Rev. Brink had the services at the undertaker parlor, & also at Round Prairie Church & Cemetery; he was 55 yrs. old, had a copper coffin & vault. This evening there was some fellows ran around our hours, one was H. Davis of Belleville, he should of brought a boy along, that he picked up on the road, & kid got away from him, Elmer Kammler came here, he had the kids shoes, what he dropped, in alalfa [sic] field.
Thursday, Aug. 29, 1935
Cloudy & rainy; this morning. We went to Waterloo took Aunt Mary along, also went to Columbia, got new dresses & R [Rosalia] got coat for $1.75. Uncle Fred came up & got her. again; got 16-14½-17¢ for springs [chickens].
Tuesday, May 23, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all afternoon. Rosalia & Bertille helped her house clean across the street, we had lunch with them. We sprayed potatoes this evening. Wuertz boys where here looked at our pigs. We had spring chicken for the first time for this year. Oh boy was it good; believe me it sure was.
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