Report came over the phones this morning that Hershel Blackburn was dead, he was lying beside the plow yesterday, kicked by a mule, this morn. is dead. Papa went up town. Mr. John Whiteside had a run away with horses & wagon, & he was drug along under the wagon, his skull is split, & in a poor condition. We went to Belleville this afternoon, Rosalia got a spring coat for $1.95 6¢ sale tax; at Quality Store. We received a card from Creses, saying that she is spending a few day at home, we should come & see her, she is going to Chas. Sensel’s barn dance May 6. It is the paper the marriage of George Whitkamp 33 & Hilda Fritz 22 where married last Sun; afternoon Apr. 30 in the Evangical [sic] church, Mrs. Joe Geodelle & Gus Fritz the attendants.
Friday, May 5, 1933
Filed Under: 1933, May Tagged With: accident, accidental_death, Anton, attendants, Belleville, Blackburn, Creses, death, Evangelical_Church, Fritz, Geodelle, Goeddel, Hecker, marriage, Quality_Store, Rosalia, runaway_wagon, Sensel, spring_coat, wedding, Whiteside, Whitkamp
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