Nice day. 51 [degrees] again. Went to Waterloo to funeral of Clara Mueth 44 yrs. old; left Waterloo 9 o clock to Hecker church cemetery, wasn’t very large funeral. The Pallbearers were Ben Schilling, Levi Ganley, Simon Havey, Joe Brauch’s boy & Annis & Teve’s [names unclear] boy friends. Mrs. Manier is getting buried over in St. Louis this morn also at 8:30, she had rabbit fever, took her over to hospital were then she died, so they just left her over, buried her there anyway; was sick quite awhile. Geo. Wagner got 1/2 doz. eggs. @ 20 [cents]. Mcarthy’s – Helen & Gerald are giving a free dance at Oak Grove tonite.
Thursday, April 5, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods took dinner along. It is raining a little this morning. April Showers. They only went as far as Henry’s & brought load posts along back, didn’t go to the woods at all. We got the chick yard all spade over & sewed in oats. Cut the lawn, papa disked the potato ground, but to wet to plant yet. Dan Goedell & family stoped here, thought Leona was up, they wanted to tell her that Mrs. Geodells Dan’s mother died & will be buried Fri. afternoon at 1:30, from the house; she should tell Tom Crowe to let his folks no [sic – know] in St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at the cemetery & then came here. We all went to the cemetery this evening, took 2 sacks ground along & filled up Louise grave, sunk in a little. Rosalia took eggs up got 14¢, she heard Mrs. Louis Birkner 66 yrs. had died this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right away & went up there. Papa was talking to Louis this afternoon, & he said she was getting better, only her eyes & face was all swoll up today, from the medicine, what Pautler gave, he said thats what he wanted, they thought everything was allright; & now she is dead already. Pautler said she had poision [sic] in her & that had to come out. She died on Emma, Oscar’s girls 5 yr. old birthday today. 19 grandchildren.
Sunday, June 4, 1933
We where at church. Henry came to Red Bud to around Palls corner, he went to church to, then him & papa went to Prairie Du Rocher again by Laurent to look at his mare & colt again. Ed. Schilling & Forness was published second time, & Auther [sic – Arthur] Moehrs Red Bud & Isabella Kalmer Tiptown first time. Gregson’s stoped [sic] in as they went home from church & brought a t puzzle; we worked it out already; if it is right we don’t know. Ralph Etling came & paid balance on Int. $25.85 it is now paid for 1932. We ate lunch by Uncle Freds this afternoon. Tiptown & Heckers ball team played today in the new diamond here in town. now, Hecker won 5 to 6. We drove out to Henry’s to look at the mare & cold that he traded on his cow, they wasn’t at home, so we went back again, drove out to the cemetery, around the prairie home; Uncle Fred’s went to Hy. Birkner’s birthday. We went up to Kabureck’s dance this evening, oh! boy & a good time, lot of people, hall was crowded, Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic]. The road men worked at Schender’s today, leveing [leveling?] that all of along there the road looks so much different, the hills cut down nearly all level there.
Sunday, April 23, 1933
We went out to Uncle Freds for dinner & supper. In the afternoon we all went over to the cemetery, Ed Scheinder family & some relation & Phil & Henry Braun where there they went all through the house & barn, so did we. Scheinder is going to rent the place. We went to Uncle Adam’s & Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred rode along with us there this evening. Jonny Kreher’s sure must of had some dance the other night. Frank Birkner was so drunk. Isadore Helfrich was going to take them home she was no better, he run up the lumber pile; so Henry Spalt took them home. Last Sat, Krehres [sic] & Kemp where cutting a tree down between the hills & it fell the wrong way & smashed the top in on George Wiegands machine & another one yet.
Sunday, Oct. 23, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church, took Mrs. Stauenfbiel along. They have euchre on Nov. 3, papa gave $1.00 for donation. Uncle Fred Aunt Mary & Miss Josie Keller & Miss Isabel Kuhn where all here for dinner & supper. We all went out to John Kaltwasser to gather some hickory nuts in his woods, but there wasn’t many there, about ½ bucket full; then from there we went over to Roy Stauenfbiels, but he say, there wasn’t any there either, Gus, was there, so they talked around awhile, then we stopped in at the church place, Frank Birkner & family came there to; the cemetery is plowed up again, the house is all stucco finished outside, & all hardwood floors up & down, plastered walls, new doors, furnace for the basement, the barn is all new boards all around it; everything fixed dandy. Henry & family came up this evening. This afternoon is Mission Rally at the Orphanage at Glen Addi, being Mission Sunday.
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