We took sausage etc. to Waterloo, sold some this morning; prices from 15 to 20¢ lb., on different things. We washed, sugar cured hams, this afternoon, nasty rainy day & Boy! rain tonite & colder I guess. Man here taking up senses [sic – census] of children that is of school age, none here. The big wedding of Anna Marie Parker, oldest daughter of Ed L. Parker, most prominet [sic] chicken raiser & trustee of church, & dairy famer near of Hecker, & Mr. Clyde William Pautler of Evansville, oldest son of Phil Pautler, dairy man, he drives Pevely Dairy truck to St. Louis, were married at 9 o’clock, nuptial high mass, by Fr. Aydt, Harbaugh & Schumacher, as cousins & Fr. Tecklenburg of Evansville; bride dressed in white with veil, marched in on bride’s fathers arm, carring [sic] roses. Mr. Paul Parker as groomsmen & Miss Dorthy Pautler bridesmaid dressed with nile green crepe, & Miss Agnes Parker, matron of honor, in pink, all carrying flowers. Mr. Donald Parker, ring beared & Alice Schumacher flower girl; wedding dance in Daabs Club House to written invited guests; Mrs. Ed Schneider & Mrs. Robert Laut, cooks.
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went out & got a load wheat. Mrs. Rennecker has a boarder Ferd [Fred?] Smith. The St. Augustine Parish are having a euchre, lotto, pinochle; tonight; in the hall. We cooked kettle soap. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre, Rosalia had 8 points, she got a glass & plate, the rest of us got nothing had 7 points. Cecilia Coop won attendance prize, pillow cases. Mr. Albert Griffin was fired at the St. Louis Dairy Station here, another guy Smith got on his place. Frank Hilpert’s wedding ann. today.
Monday, May 28, 1934
Confirmation in Hecker today. Bischop [sic] comes, Fr.’s Harbaugh says mass with Havey & Schumacher, sub deacons; 40 children. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, Rosalia & Berti went along up to church, Mrs. Kroll was convert. Henry & Floyd was here for dinner, Leona brought Emil up, made hay this afternoon, all had lunch. didn’t get finished, hauled 2 loads in & took 2 home, so far.
Monday, March 5, 1934
Papa hauled hay. We washed. Ed Neff repaired our Whippet this morning. Papa got the mules hoofs trimed [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, went up to see Louise Birkner, she is getting along pretty good; then they & Rosalia went to Belleville to John Breutigams to see Mr. John Birkner, 78 yrs. old; his wife nee Armstutz died 5 yrs. tomorrow. Mrs. Anna Helfrich, died yesterday morning at the home of this daughter, Mr. Joe Karban of Paderborn, we’ll [sic] be buried tomorrow morning 8 o ‘clock mass there. That is Nic Helfrich’s mother & George Neff’s grandma, there boy is the only great grandchild. Mr. Hill was here for news. Mr. Valentine Berg died this morning & will be buried Wed. morning 9:30 Catholic Church here, & then to cemetery. He was making his home with Ed his son, in Blackjacks age 84 yrs.
Sunday, Jan. 21, 1934
Took Chas. Helfrich’s along to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie where here for dinner & supper, & midnight lunch. Levi Gregson came & paid for his hogs, 239 lbs. & 236 lbs. @ $3.65. Henry & family where up this afternoon, had supper, played some cards all day & nite till 12′ o clock. Mr. Ed Meng was here to see Uncle Fred. They say Fr. Aydt read of the report this morn, $11,000 debts. The Young people of Red Bud are going to have Bible class, every first Thurs. evening of the mo. It rained a little. Mr. Clarence Mohears & girl of Renault, are getting married wedding dance at Oak Grove.
Thursday, Jan. 4, 1934
Papa went to see Pete Watchel’s. Harold Wagner was here wanted to sell & take orders for seeds. Ed. Neff 26 & Bertha Helfrich 20 were married at Paderborn Hecker, this morning at 7 o clock mass. Mr. Vogt, Kroll’s son in law will move to Hecker, & is going to start, hauling milk for Peveley Diary [sic], he will come & take the milk right from the house; he told Henry, but Henry had sent to Waterloo, & now he can’t sent none at all till 30 days; he was supposed to give St. Louis Dairy 30 days notice & didn’t do it. Mr. Henry Acker of Lords Corner died this afternoon at 1’o clock will be buried Sun. afternoon, there. Louis Dehn butched [sic] by Renneckers.
Thursday, Dec. 21, 1933
Papa went out in the woods, this morn & afternoon. We ironed, & patched, got things ready for Christmas. Bill was at Henry’s today, killing sheep, I guess. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] here on there way down to Chris Buehlers at Red Bud. Bertille mailed Christmas cards & then went to Eliza Boll’s on business. Eggs are 15¢ at Eichenseers today. The Catholic School children are having a little program, this evening to surprise Fr. Aydt on his 1st Anniversary here, the parishoners [sic] should also attend. The way it reads in the paper, Eugene Bruns & Adale Weber must be married, cause it say Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Bruns, attended a birthday party at Millstadt.
Saturday, Nov. 18, 1933
Mrs. James Ganley is getting buried, be at Hecker 9 o clock, Catholic church. We went out to the house, Rosalia & Bertie prayed the rosary. The funeral was rather large, had nice bouquet of flowers. Nefphews [sic] acted as pall bearers; were, Willie & Philip Frend, Willie & Jonny Ganley, & Jimmie Brauch. Fr. H. H. Aydt had a very nice sermon. She was the first to be traveled on hard roads, first funeral & her sister Mrs. Brauch, she was the first one on hard road from Waterloo out to cemetery, the people had to walk out, couldn’t drive on it yet at that time. Mr. Jake Mauer of Red Bud age 72 died with a stroke last Mon. evening was buried Thurs. morn. at Red Bud. Uncle Fred is 59 yrs. old. We went out this evening, quite a crowd, Christ Buehler family, Henry Birkners family, Henry Brand family, Ignatz Neff & family, Adam Eckerts family, Willie Birkner’s family, Frank Birkner family, Oscar Birkners family. Cake, & lemonade where served. Pinochle & lotto were played; attendance prize was a plate, Mrs. Christ Buehler, received it, prizes were given to the highest lotto players; crowd left 11 o clock.
Sunday, May 14, 1933
“Mothers Day.” Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. Henry & family where going to come too, but it had rain to much. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s this evening, walked down to Mrs. Ahrens & looked at there, then Mamie came along down home with us. Mildred Gambach broke her arm while roller skating shortly after noon today. The St. Augustine’s Church are having out poster for a pinic [sic] on May 30, the Waterloo has also School Pinic [sic] that day, the Catholic Hecker School children will give a play on 28.
Wednesday, March 29, 1933
We planted 4 bus. potatoes this morning. We all went out to Henry’s took the mule along out. Papa & Rosalia took some wheat along into Waterloo. Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Geodelle & Mrs. Fritz & Hilda came out there too. Bill was working there yesterday & today, sewing oats & today is was to wet, so they shocked corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & her & Rosalia & Bertille went along to church in Hecker & took the pattern along for Levi Gregson’s. Joe & Josie are both in bed, sick with flu.
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