Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1933

We cut corn this morn. We finished digging potatoes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, he went to the signing of wheat acreages in the school hall, for S.t Clair Co. members. Report is out that the sheriff was called out to Hecker, by Jack Reagan, on account the fight with his boy & little Dr. Eckert, Alfred nearly choked him. Stores are closed to.

Thursday, Oct. 27, 1932

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s. Uncle Fred Aunt Mary came here awhile, then they went down to Joe Gregson’s after some more chickens, white ones this time 1½ & 2 for us, 1 for Leona. This evening they came up again & brought Mr. Marshall along, he had business with them, what didn’t quite understand; about Wm. Harbaugh’s land, that fellows going around securing the right of way for the hard roads in St. Clair Co, what goes over to New Athens. Leona stepped in a nail went through her foot; she bathed it & put iodine & turpentine on it.

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1931

I seen in Sat. paper the marriage license for Ed. Neff, 24 & Emma Braun 20, they where married Sat. night, by Fr. Grootens in Nic. Schaefer’s house in St. Clair Co. Best where Vic. Braun & Erna Braun. Today is Uncle Fred’s birthday, he is 57. We went out this eve, there was a bunch there & they danced. Uncle Fred had to get Josie again. John Braun was here on business. Leomade [sic-lemonade] & cake where served at Birthday.