Saturday, March 25, 1939

Nice day. Went to the funeral of, Tom Crowe at Waterloo, wasn’t very large. Pallbearers were Levi Ganley, Joe Mueth, Fred Reheis, Ben Schilling, Emil Geodelle, Jeff Payne. German band played for a whole bunch of Paderborn. Neff & Karban’s, Cortner’s also for me & Bill Klein, all boys & girls, & said from St. Louis. Alfred May & guy were here this afternoon. We went to Tipton to see Farago. Willie & John Braun were here again for signing & leasing oil ground again. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bert [Bertille] fixed Roses [Rosalia] hair.

Monday, Jan. 30, 1939

Pres. Birthday. Ball’s being held all over this eve, some were held Sat. & Sun. nite also. Some awful weather some places. Chicago 11 ins snow. St. Louis 5 ins snow 28 [degrees]. not so cold here, as in some places.

Sunday, Jan. 15, 1939

Nice day, little cloudy. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. Jake Neff has small pox, put sign up today. We went to see Leo’s this afternoon, has supper there, Marita still has a little cold yet; quite a few people are still being vaccinated all around here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to St. Louis to Audoritium [sic] to see Hill Billy Show, & it was good, seats were all filled 12, 000 then were so many standing.

Saturday, Jan. 7, 1939

Nice day. 51 [degrees] again. Went to Waterloo to funeral of Clara Mueth 44 yrs. old; left Waterloo 9 o clock to Hecker church cemetery, wasn’t very large funeral. The Pallbearers were Ben Schilling, Levi Ganley, Simon Havey, Joe Brauch’s boy & Annis & Teve’s [names unclear] boy friends. Mrs. Manier is getting buried over in St. Louis this morn also at 8:30, she had rabbit fever, took her over to hospital were then she died, so they just left her over, buried her there anyway; was sick quite awhile. Geo. Wagner got 1/2 doz. eggs. @ 20 [cents]. Mcarthy’s – Helen & Gerald are giving a free dance at Oak Grove tonite.

Friday, Nov. 18, 1938

Uncle Freds birthday. Bert [Bertille] send a card to German Band. Sears order came, everything O.K. except pap’s shoes to little. Geo. Wagner came paid his hog 279 lbs. @ $7.75. Chris Buehler stopped in on way from St. Louis.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1938

Election day. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed, patched, scrubed [sic] basement & cleaned smoke house. Henry came, brought his calf hide up for Christ Buehler to take to St. Louis, he stopped here & took it. Jac. Neff came to pay Int. for Uncle Fred. left it here. Pap & Bert [Bertille] went up to vote after dinner. Susie sang song today for Louise Wittenauer by Ethel Staufbenbiel; Susie sings twice a day now. Took turnips out, about 1 bu. 1/2 large. Leo & family came, brought the truck back, going to butcher.

Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1938

Warm again today. We picked potatoes through, cleaned out chicken houses. Leo & family were here this eve. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to St. Louis to see Veiled Prophet parade & visited by Josie Keller awhile, had supper by her. There were 20 floats, & were they beautiful “Song we Sing.”

Thursday, Oct. 6, 1938

Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall. Pap dug sweet potatoes & cleaned patch, have about 1 bu. little bitter. Today Jack Ganley & girl from St. Louis, Holemeyer, they are living in Colorado, getting married, having wedding dance at Donahue’s; tonite. Days sure are getting short. Leo & family came this eve. Marita is getting big & fat. reaches now has 2 little teeth & some more coming, teeth at 5 mon. old.

Sunday, Oct. 2, 1938

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & family all had dinner here. Went to Paderborn to Totsch’s, wustmarket & free dance & crowd musci [sic] by girls. Joe Freund & Vivian Grahleherr were published last time today, & Jack Ganley & girl from St. Louis for 1 – 2 – 3 time. Fr. Aydt was pretty sore made sermon.

Friday, Sept. 9, 1938

Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, pumpkin pie & cake this morn. patched. Its hot again yesterday it was 98. Seen in paper that Joe Lengyl of St. Louis, she being Ethel May have a baby boy second boy now, also seen that Mrs. Eugene Fahey is going to teach Oak Grove School this term; she didn’t teach last yr. living in St. Louis. Mr. & Mrs. Otto Stadel nee Miss Norman Geodelle have moved household articles & 8 head horses by train to Waterloo, going to move with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jac Geodelle in Geodelletown, came from South Dakota. Hy Burckardt of Waterloo is going to start the Oak Grove Tavern now. Clifford Stahelheber wrecked his roadster last Sat. nite near Marrissa, hit into another car, he has a scratch on his chin; but now another car driving around already. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came awhile & Emil; It rained a little & thunder.