Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1938

Harry Witteanuer [sic] was here. Bill [Klein] came, took our car & all went to State Fair at Duquoin & people about 150 mil trip, enjoyed it wonderfully, & seen things, never have seen before, most exciting attractions were Jimmie Lynch & his 2 hr. circus of death dodgers; real dare devil, went through fire seated in his dodge. Went to Donahue’s to Ed. McDermott & Beat Friel wedding dance which took place in St. Louis; both of Washington DC big crowd, Chas Irose & girlfriend best; bride & them came 9:30. from St. Louis, received a few gifts. From reports Chris Buehler is going to move out on farm occupied by Buettner by Red Bud traded [unclear] for farm.

Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1938

Pap hauled posts, has wood & all hauled now, got corn fodder from U. [Uncle] Freds. Went to barber shop got hair cut & shave. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again this morn. cutting corn etc. The Wedding picture of Pete Kaiser 31 & Adella Karban 20 was in paper were married last Sat. morn. in St. Louis, in St. Peter & Paul’s Church. Attendants Bertha Karban her sister, & Lawrence Kaiser, cousin to groom. Wore white dress with long veil, carried flowers, Lilies, nice picture. Mrs. Emma Bechtold of Waterloo passed away 57 yrs. will be buried at Waterloo this afternoon; has 4 children, 1 boy Armin, 3 girls Ida Wright, Malinda Valmeyer & only 1 single Viola; also the boy was at home. Arthur Dour & Reickert girl are being married today, dance at Keims, Floraville.

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 1938

Pap hauled 2 loads wood. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came worked across the street & had dinner here chicken. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Cloudy this eve. thunder. Emil was over awhile. People around are rather Hy. Rausch selling apples with Schwarze from Calhoun Co. selling apples @ $1.25 bu. alful [sic – awful] nice apples they were. Waterloo band played on radio again this eve. last time for having week day concerts in eve. they advertised the Home Coming for next Sun. didn’t come through good to much static, bad weather, thunder rain in St. Louis.

Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1938

Another hot day, last two days it reached 100 [degrees] at 4 p.m. Wittenauers cutting weeds; here with the mowers. Hy Sauer 88 the old wagon maker died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Chas. Minmaman will be buried this afternoon from Dashner’s funeral parlor, to Hecker Village cemetery. The Dougherty twins were called by James Joseph – Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Haudrich sponsors, & girl Doris Lorretta, a lady of St. Louis & Celeste Haudrich of Paderborn. The German Band played at no. yesterday for Uncle [Fred] & Aunts [Mary] Wed. Anni. Bert [Bertille] send in. Walter Stahl’s Jr. have baby girl born hospital at Belleville about 2 week ago. We cut lawn this eve; then went out to see Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary once.

Sunday, Aug. 21, 1938

Went to mass. Pretty warm. Freeburg have homecoming today, pinic [sic] at Wartburg. Went to Freeburg seen KMOX Radio Stars, Pappy Cheshire & gang, Frankie, Patsy, Roy Iruern [? – unclear], Sons of Prairie, Mickey Allen, Gene Rogers & few others, they put on 2 hrs. show & musci [sic], was good. Roy Ivers & gang were also playing for dance at Milsdadt [sic] Vegutle [sic – Vegetable] growers pinic [sic]. Keims had free dance at Floraville, musci [sic] by 2 girls. Erwin Lizinger & wife & Mr. & Mrs. Hess of St. Louis, stopped awhile at noon, going to Freeburg pinic [sic]. Maniers also had a bunch out from St. Louis; had 25 young chickens. Fisher of Floraville stopped in to look at hogs; bought them & say to dear, so he left.

Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1935

Awful hot. Ironed, patched. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for church pinic [sic], they have to be in winner stand. J. Keller came got eggs, tomatoes; we went up to pinic [sic] this eve. Ray Wittenauer won set dishes. Doval Eichenseer 48 lbs. flour. Alice Hess – 100 sugar, Elmer Haudrich taspestory [sic – tapestry] quilt to Mrs. Burke St. Louis, awful crowd, Smithton band, played musci [sic] . Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & baby [Marita] came this eve; pinic [sic]. Mrs. Merhmann came wanted eggs. Chas. Dougherty (Elvira Haudrich) have twins, Aug. 5. girl & boy; 6 3/4 lbs. each; 1st. set of twin that Dr. Werth & Helwig caught; doing fine now.

Tuesday, July 26, 1938

Another warm day. Henry, Robert & Grover came with tractor & combine, got out about 5 bus. seed but its green & tough so they quit; had dinner & lunch here. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Edler came on business from St. Louis to see U. [Uncle] Fred. Scheuster, the guy that married Quathammer’s girl were here, looking for money. Harm’s boy married a Quathammer girl to.

Monday, July 18, 1938

Cloudy. We went to Red Bud to Ford Dealer & Chev. & there we got 1938 Chev. Coupe with heater & froster, 6 sets chains for $580 & old Chev. 1926 model $164.00. Black coupe pretty good trade. We canned 2 qts pickles & tomatoes; fixed garage for new car. Kleins got about 2 [cents] bu. for our onions & 50 [cents] bu. potatoes. last Thurs. at St. Louis. Bill [Klein] started working there today in store. Jac. Erle was here to Ins. [insure] car; also Ms. Becker, we insured with Becker for liability & property damage $16.65 yr. Henry & family came brought potatoes, quite a few bushels, & nice ones they got this year. Emil came over to look at the car; same as Uncle Fred’s.

Wednesday, July 6, 1938

Pap came to Leo’s threshing had them for lunch this morn; he got 391 bus. We stayed for dinner, washed etc. yet. John Horn came out with a Plymouth, trying to trade cars, coming again. We dug about 2 bus. potatoes. Bill [Klein] came down took 2 bus. along late to St. Louis. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve. going to thresh oats tomorrow some time. Feurer threshed brought the 3rd; he threshed 204 bus. out our ground, we got 68 bus. Sure hot these days; no rain, everything drying up.

Sunday, June 26, 1938

Leo & family & pap went to Henry’s for dinner & supper. Bill [Klein] & Bertille & Bertha Karban went to St. Louis to see Forest Park zoo Highlands; went to Totsches tonite. Raining a little this morning.