Beautiful day; Church pinic [sic] at Columbia, we have chances for that 110 pc. dinner set, 100 lb sugar, 2 pr pillow cases, cedar chest, quilt; Catholics got euchre & dance at Paderborn tonite Hillsheim & Braun wedding, 9 o clock mass. Uncle Fred, & Aunt Mary came & her & Bert went to mass. Walter Pour’s twin boy ring bearer & Doris Braun her sister flower girl dressed in blue; then came Cecilia Pour, dark green. Velvet dress & hat & flowers, she was maid of honor; bridesmaid Alvera had purple velvet dress & had, both had silver shoes; her oldest sister; then the bride with white satin dress & long veil, carrying lilly [sic] of Valley boquet [sic]; groom & his brother best man came in at the sanctuary, dark blue suits, they showered them with rice; lot people in church, Jatho’s all through [sic – throw] rice too, he used to board there; he works St. Louis Dairy here; all kind of ribbons & tin cans, card boards hanging on. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went along to the wedding dance at Maniers Hall, nice crowd, Mellow Moon Orh. of Belleville played; a rose was given to all the ladies; & slipper was sold $1.25 & collection was taken up for pay expense. “Let Me Call You Sweeheart [sic] waltz” was playing for bride & groom; she received an awful lot of presents. Manier sold the bar & sandwiches at the park outside. Henry was here all day harrowing, had lunches & dinner. Clara Wagner & Mamie Eichenseer got flowers slips here; we planted some more out to.
Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1935
We washed, ironed; fried in sausage & ribs etc. Rose got a letter from Margaret McDermott, stating that there will be a card party tomorrow nite at Donahue’s, given by Tiptown Parish. George Wagner got doz. eggs @ 24¢. Renneckers boarder is leaving tomorrow for St. Louis, Mr. Smith, he has a higher position with St. Louis Diary [sic – Dairy]. Saymenger of below Red Bud, has his job at the station here now, has been working for last 4 days. The Fire House & City Hall is nearly completed now, except the roofing yet.
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1934
Halloween. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. There is a bunch halloweener’s out tonite, they upset a box wagon with barrals on at the St. Louis Diary [sic – Dairy] station; there was a bunch went to Wagner’s & Rennecker’s & Meng’s.
Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went out & got a load wheat. Mrs. Rennecker has a boarder Ferd [Fred?] Smith. The St. Augustine Parish are having a euchre, lotto, pinochle; tonight; in the hall. We cooked kettle soap. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre, Rosalia had 8 points, she got a glass & plate, the rest of us got nothing had 7 points. Cecilia Coop won attendance prize, pillow cases. Mr. Albert Griffin was fired at the St. Louis Dairy Station here, another guy Smith got on his place. Frank Hilpert’s wedding ann. today.
Friday, June 29, 1934
Papa went out to Henry’s, the billy horse died before they got home last night, Rendering Works, got him this morning. Papa shocked up the oats bundles that were down. We cut lawn, cleaned & scrubbed basement. Gus Frisch got cistern water here to drink; working on the road. It rained this afternoon a little, but not enough to stop threshing around here, but other places had to quit. The paper has that Mr. Emil Kopp & Miss Florence Nelson were married quitely [sic] at Granite City Ill. on last Wed. June 20, they had no attendants at the ceremony. The groom is the son of George Kopp who reside east of Waterloo, he is employed in St. Louis for some time, were they will make there home, she is from St. Louis. He is also a muscian [sic], member of the Waterloo Municipal Band & saxophone player in the Moonlighters Dance Orchestra. Mr. Kenneth Henerfourth & Virginia Kumke eloped to Chester Mon. night June 25, were married by Justice of Peace. The groom is a son of George Henerfourth of Maeystown and had been spending a 30 day furlough here from the U.S. Navy. He is stationed on the S.S. Tennesee. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Orlinda Kumke of Waterloo & Herman Oldendorph is now employed with Becker’s Mill of Red Bud & has charge of the Burksville Station Elevator which they recently purchased from the Monroe Milling Co, they began buying wheat & at this old landmark Wed. & will have flour, bran, & shorts on hand for patrons. There was a accident in Hecker, by Eichenseer store, a Chev. coach & St. Louis Dairy truck, the car had the fender & hub damage, but nothing seemed serious had a argument.
Thursday, Jan. 4, 1934
Papa went to see Pete Watchel’s. Harold Wagner was here wanted to sell & take orders for seeds. Ed. Neff 26 & Bertha Helfrich 20 were married at Paderborn Hecker, this morning at 7 o clock mass. Mr. Vogt, Kroll’s son in law will move to Hecker, & is going to start, hauling milk for Peveley Diary [sic], he will come & take the milk right from the house; he told Henry, but Henry had sent to Waterloo, & now he can’t sent none at all till 30 days; he was supposed to give St. Louis Dairy 30 days notice & didn’t do it. Mr. Henry Acker of Lords Corner died this afternoon at 1’o clock will be buried Sun. afternoon, there. Louis Dehn butched [sic] by Renneckers.
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1933
We washed, papa is fixing corn crib. Ralph Ettling was here last Sat., & papa was there Sun, he bought 3 heifers from him for $36.00. Ettling & his family are going to move to St. Louis, in 3 weeks; going to give his horses to Paul Neff to work, cows to Stoval & hogs to Mo. Rosalia & Bertille went to Mamies, then we all went to the school hall to a dairy show & speaking given by St. Louis Dairy, had Ed Parkers barn pictured. The hallways just crowded, people from Red Bud, Smithon [sic] & all over. Mr. Taylor, & Dr. McCullen where speakers; inspector of milk of health department. Kenneth Kemps birthday, & a bunch went out to celebrate with dance & beer.
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