Leo & family brought Bert [Bertille] home this eve. listened to Waterloo band play on radio; were at Waterloo on band stand broadcasting over WTMV. sure nice, it sounded.
Thursday, Oct. 14, 1937
Send a card for us to get group picture of Chas. Stookey’s Early Bird gang at KVSK. We had beef soup dinner. Schmidt brought sack mash feed; took our 4 gal. crock lard @ 12¢ lb. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs .21¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢; H. Wittenauer took ½ bu. to; sewing wheat here, yesterday afternoon & today. Cleaned bedroom, varnished furniture, & going to varnish floor tomorrow. Reports is that Mr. & Mrs. Pete Watchel have a baby boy Leroy, Tues. 4 girls 1 boy, & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wiegand have baby girl since Sun. morning.
Monday, Sept. 6, 1937
Canned peaches 7 qts. & 1 tomatoes. Pap went to Wittenauers got pigs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic], for parade, had $5 attendance prize drawing every hr. Ray Wittenauers machine burned up, 1 mi west of Red Bud coming home from Oak Grove last nite; Irene Buehler, was driving & Ray & H. Wittenauer’s daughter was along, driving to fast, tire blew out, ran up bank & upset & caught fire; they were lucky to get out & not injured; only Irene’s lips & Wittenauer girls dress scorched & Ray hat burned; all feeling pretty good at the dance, Radio Stars Roy Queen & his gang played for the dance. Buehler told us today.
Sunday, Aug. 29, 1937
Went to Red Bud. Leo & Rose came picked peaches, canned few this afternoon, had dinner & supper. Bert [Bertille] went along home with them, then to Smithton took peaches in, then went to Floraville at Boeker’s free dance, music by Schmidts, big crowd. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to Columbia Home Coming. KWK radio stars did the intertaining [sic – entertaining], A. Mary put a request in for Rose birthday Sat. morn. Dream bot comes Home.
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