Tuesday, May 6, 1930

Today is Uncle Adam’s birthday.  He is going to be 81 years old.  It is raining again a little this morning.  Rosalia went out to Uncle Fred’s this morning and brought Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary along back with her.  They were here for dinner & two lunches.  Henry & family were all here too for dinner and two lunches.  Papa, Uncle Fred, Henry, dug up the sewer this morning.  It was blocked up but it didn’t come through yet, so they will have to work another day if they didn’t get finished today.  Mr. Hill was over a little while.  Rosalia took 4 doz. eggs to the store & got .19¢ a dozen.

Mr. George Heyl got killed this afternoon.  The way we heard Mr. George Heyl had been to the stockyards and when he was coming home he got killed between Smithton and Hecker in that creek bottom by Grohman’s.  He ran out of gas and went to the neighbor’s house to get some, when coming back a machine struck him and killed him.  There is so many tales out, that you don’t know which was the right.  Henry Gambach found him laying on the road when he came back from St. Louis.

Sunday, March 16, 1930

Aunt Mary and Uncle Fred had dinner with us.  Henry was up for church, then went home because they wanted to go away.  After dinner we went up to church.  We had lenten service.  After we came down from church, the St. Louis people were here.  Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Dudenhoefer, Ellen Adams (their niece) & Frank Singer and Ervin Lensinger (?).  They all had lunch here.  Then we all got our picture taken, one on the front and one on the South side by the well.  The men Papa, Uncle Fred and Sigmund, got a picture taken by the chicken house.  In the evening, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back again.  They brought some potatoes up to Brauns store.  Mr. Jake Koch died at New Athens today.  Ed Parker’s little baby girl died suddenly.  We found 31 eggs today.

[editor’s note: To see the above-mentioned photos, click here]


1929 Recap

We moved to Hecker Oct. 23, 1929.  We had 1 week mission in St. Augustine Church from Nov. 3 till the 10.  They also had one in Tiptown during that time.  The Missionaries priests were Father Kneddy & Siegert in St. Augustine’s church.

Father Grootens got 16 doz. eggs on Dec. 31, 1929 at 42¢.  Mrs. Margaret Hinkel & Arther Meadlock were married in St. Louis on Dec. 31, 1929.