Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie, made chicken. Henry brought pc. beef, he butchered Thurs. eve. 3 lbs; we got so much meat yet; will have it tomorrow, made steaks for supper. Was at Columbia this afternoon to see Leo Herman about selling our horses, & etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, were called to see Herbert Stalhebers over at Jennie Coop were her mother Mrs. Stahlbers has 1 room there, on business. Went througth Smithton paid Bill [Klein] for Whip. repair everything also the bill from accident, $12.00; altogether $37.55 in all. Mrs. Rennecker came over to get doz. eggs 25 [cents] price here in store.
Sunday, April 5, 1936
Raining this morn, thunder & lighten. Palm Sun. Levi Ganley came & paid for his two loads hay $18.00. We spayed our baby chixs, 2 died. In the Evangicle [sic] churches the children are being examined this morn. next Sun. confirmation. Mr. Al. May & daughter Margaret of Burksville, stopped in a while. Mr. Joe Freund & Clifford Stalheber came at 9’oclock this evening, to look at the mare & colt he was down at Brauns, also looking for one; pretty late, he wants pap to look at his cow, he wants to trade in for the mare, thought the colt was nice.
Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille had house cleaning upstairs today. Washed curtains. There was a man here this morning wanted to know if we had any wells or cisterns to clean. We sent him off. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning. He wanted to get some jack to raise the house a little. Aunt Mary said there was just such an awful crowd down at Wiegands, they took up collection .25¢ a piece. They took in $9.00 and some cents. Bill Herzog, Lawrence Schultz and another fellow, furnished music. Ted Eichenseer’s were cooking apple butter today. Rosalia took 5 doz. eggs to the store & got .25¢ a doz. I noticed in the paper in Hecker news that, Adam Eisenhaver and H.M. Hill were called into probate court at Belleville Sat. to testify as witnesses to the last will of Benhardt Buss. George Gambach dug a new well on his premises. There is about 5 or 6 ft. of water in it. A St. Louis baseball team arrived here Sunday & showed Hecker boys how to play ball by defeating them with a score of 7 to 2. Hurrah! for St. Louis. Charles Boll is the oldest man in Hecker. He celebrated his 82 birthday last Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kunz are the happy parents of a baby boy born to them last Tuesday, Sept. 9. She was formerly before marriage, Miss Marie Rausch of Hecker, Ill. They now live at Smithton. Clifford Sthaleber [Stahlebher] was over a little while this evening.
Thursday, July 24, 1930
It is raining this morning. This afternoon Papa went out and started discing again. Clifford Stahlber was here nearly all afternoon playing with the colt. Wilford & Clarence Eichenseer were also here. Papa went over to Ed. Meng’s this evening with the mare, and we had to hold the Blindy & Queeny the colt. We all went out to Henry’s this evening but when we got there they wasn’t home. So Papa took a sample of sweet clover along to see how it was. If it was fit for seed.
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