We went to Smithon [sic] church. Aunt Mary went to Hecker, he was pretty loud again today for being sick all week. Bill Freund was here & gave us an invite to George Freund’s Sun. night for a dance. Wiegands boy’s invited us for a dance at the brick house Wed. night. Rosalia & Bertille went up to see Mamie & Angela this afternoon. This evening we went to see Joe Watchel’s little boy, Papa went over to Wagners awhile. They are chivarie Frank Krolls tonight. Edwin Watchel is giving a dance at the brick house tonight. Gus, Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel playing musci [sic].
Sunday, July 5, 1931
We had a nice shower rain last night, & this morning it is cool. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary bought some beef & made soup, then they brought it here, & Henry & family where all here for dinner. Roy Stauenbiel came to see if Aunt Mary could help them cook tomorrow, because it is thrashing day. She is. We where all over at Aunt Mary’s for lunch this afternoon, they bought 25¢ ice cream & we helped to eat it. Hecker ball team first & played Smithton Pontiac’s, in favor of Smithton.
Sunday, May 31, 1931
Papa & Bertille went to Smithton to church this morning, it is nice there, we seen quite a few people that we knowed. Henry & family where here for dinner. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry’s family & Bill came, & we all went to the Brick House, the boy’s stayed here with papa. The Hecker All Stars gave the dance, music from Belleville, & also Uncle Fred. Adm. was gents 25 ladies 15¢. Hecker ball team played Evansville today & Hecker won. Gus Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel played at a barn dance at Wagner’s, by Red Bud this evening. There was also a barn dance by Joe Haudrich’s, by Rheinhardt’s musci [sic].
Wednesday, May 27, 1931
We all went to the truck patch this morning. This afternoon we went out to Henry’s, had lunch there, Papa & Emil helped with the hay. This evening, Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & all of us went to Roy Stauenbiel’s on a visit, Roy had to go to Hecker for a while, but he was back before we left, & that was 12:30. Leona cut our hair today.
Wednesday, April 15, 1931
Papa went to Red Bud after lumber this morn. he brought a 25¢ of beef soup meat, but we couldn’t eat it after it was cooked, it tasted so bad. John Braun was helping Papa taking the old wire of on the line between us. Henry & family where all here this evening, they where first by Roy Stauenbiel, but he wasn’t at home, he was up here in Hecker so Henry seen him here.
Thursday, Feb, 12, 1931
Abra. Lincoln’s birthday, also Roy Stauenbiel, there is to be a dance there tonight. Rosalia is in bed all day, she has the measles the doctor said “he was here this evening & looked at her. He say’s she is over the worst because they are out now, but she has to stay in bed for 3 or 4 days yet. She had 103 ½ fever this eve. He say’s when you can see spots in the back of the throat, then it is measles. Papa went along with him to the house & got some cough medicine for her. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up this afternoon. Aunt Mary & Bertille went to the quilting, there were 4 there. Papa took 24 doz. eggs to the store and got 12¢ a doz. Tonight is Literary Meeting in the Public School House. Speakers are Dr. Bock. They also wanted A.C. Bollinger but he called out and said “on account of rain, he wasn’t coming.
Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. Aunt Mary was there too she came up with Oscar’s wife & Frank’s wife, Emma, then after church they & Emma Eckert, Lena Birkner, & Louise Birkner all went down to Christ Buehler’s to help quilt. We had chicken for dinner today. Talk is spread that George Lorberg is going to move in Henry Braun’s house in Hecker and he is going to attend to the farm at home, Mrs. Lorberg wanted to move downstairs, so I guess that is why they have to move. John Reagan is going to move in Mrs. Stauenbiel place in half the house. Papa furnished plowing this morning. Eggs are .24¢ at present. We sold 4 dozen last night. It is raining this afternoon. Bertille got the mail this evening. Papa went up to the bank this afternoon and then he went down to the Sorghum Mill. Steve Rennecker was fixing the machine they are going to start soon.
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