Wednesday, May 8, 1935

Rain this morning; then sunshine & windy. We went to Belleville, Rose & papa went to Dr. Wagner dentist, Rose got wisdom tooth pulled, terrible one, took at exray [sic] first, it grew backwards she was in the chair 2 hrs; having it pulled out, cost $5.00 wit exray [sic] $2.00 & medicine; she came home, went to bed. The stove foundry men aren’t working today, on a strike up there again, its awful. It sure is dangerous in Belleville now, there looking any time for the electric plant to blow up, people watch day & nite, found dynamite sticks all over the yard already, search every strange car that passes by, orders is if they see any one, should shout right away, its awful up there. This evening at 9:30 alarm ring, fire at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s house, papa went over; fire department came & soon had it out, burned hole in the roof on Volkman’s side, the nurse had put a grease rag in the stove & damper opened it went straight up, sparks set fire on the roof. Mr. Volkmans is getting along pretty good now, fever is gone but he is awful weak; he asked what the noise was when they started water on the roof, they told him, washing machine was going out in the shed. Good many people came right away, helped Roy was up L. Armstutz car was backed out of shed.

Sunday, April 7, 1935

Went to church, raining all morning, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, dinner beef soup, supper. Him & papa went down to see Chas. Helfrich, made a trade with him, load hay & ½ bus. clover seed for his mare, $17.50, brought the mare along. Roy Staufenbiel came looked at the colt. Aunt Mary went to church given Indulgences, Jubliee [sic]. In the Evangical [sic] churches, the children get examined today & next Sun. confirmed. Colder this evening.

Tuesday, April 2, 1935

Ironed, painted screens, etc. Henry & family came this evening, she tried her coat on at Staufenbiel’s again, it ain’t finished yet. Today is election of road commissioners, G. Lorberg won with 201 votes, Pabst 19, Roever 40 Wittenauer 52. for clerk Cowell elected with 149 & Kiefer 142 votes.

Monday, March 25, 1935

It is real blue & cloudy in the north, & Boy! did it rain this afternoon & hail, awful weather. We cleaned chick house, set up the brooder stove, made fire in it. Chas Helfrich looked at the hay in the barn, he thought he will take 2 loads. Rob. Laut got sack hay for his rabbits again. Eggs are still 17¢. Leona was by Mrs. Staufbiel, tried on her spring coat, that she is making for her.

Tuesday, March 12, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona were up here, papered the dinning [sic] room; had dinner & supper. Leona went home did the chores, & brought the boy’s along up; stayed awhile in the evening. Mr. Janson of Waterloo, sales agent for Nobbe was here this afternoon, looked at the binder. Leona went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel brought her some material to make a spring coat for her; 4 yds. goods, & linings; pattern etc. Mr. & Mrs. Emil Mehrmanns baby girl Ethyl, was taken to the hospital at Belleville last Sat,  & yesterday it died, buried this afternoon, & private funeral. No one could see it, had menertitis [sic – meningitis]; down spine in back; say it is a very catching disease; house has to be fumigated; had it in its throat also.

Friday, Jan. 25, 1935

The old guy what sharpenes [sic], etc is back in town again, was here today, papa gave the cross cut saw to sharpen for 35¢. A guy here wanted to sell auto paint, $2.00 box. Bernice Wagner got 1 doz eggs. Roy Staufenbiel had there little baby girl christened last Sun, called it Pearl Louisa, Mr. Joe & Pearl Griffin as sponsors. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wittenauer of St. Louis have a baby girl. The Frantz Baker truck of New Athens, Edgar Wittenauer in charge had an accident on the Baldwin road, & damaged somewhat.

Saturday, Jan. 19, 1935

There is telephone general election this afternoon, we heard, Mrs. Dueker has an application in for the board, & 2 others, but old officers & Liz Boll were reelected. There is a sale at the Public School, old chairs & benches, school desks, piano Wm. Birkner got for $2.25 to make butchering table. Rob Laut got hay. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & son & Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Laut & son, were visiting here this evening, the men enjoyed in a solo game & ladies pinochle; what a time. Mrs. Watchel held 1500 trumps in diamonds. Miss Edith Klinckhadt is employed as wash maid at Roy Staufenbiel. All getting along O.K.

Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1935

Henry & Leona & Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary all helped butcher, finished today, killed two made summer sausage; weighed 250 & 215 lb. hogs. It rained a little last night & morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this evening. Mrs. William Klotz is on the sick list, & pretty bad. Roy Staufenbiel’s have a baby girl born Sun. Eckert doctor.

Saturday, Dec. 15, 1934

Papa took the feed up to be crushed but they didn’t start till late & Roy said he would bring it down at noon, so he did. We went out to Henry’s butchering 2 pigs, it rained & sleet all the while they were scalding them; we ground the sausage meat, with the machine wheel, went through in a hurry; had dinner, cleaned & scrubbed everything; brought Rose [Rosalia] along home; got 1935 calandars [sic] from Eichenseers tonight. Geo. Geodelle is having a birthday dance at Pautler’s tonite, Adm. Gents 25, ladies free Moonlighters playing. Miss Burgess Hecker school teacher has changed boarding places, has moved from Jatho’s to B Frilsther’s.

Saturday, Nov. 17, 1934

Papa got crushing done. Roy Staufenbiel’s boy hasn’t got winter fever, he said he ate dried butter beans, about 40 has already passed through. Mr. Ed Pabst brought 3 sacks potatoes, clover seed & lumber this morning. Hy. Armstutz brought ¹⁄3 corn. It rained a little this morning. but then the sun came, out nice again. Mr. Edwin Neff, sued Jake Orlet & Gus Schaefer for striking him at the dance in Paderborn Tues. night, knocked him in the head broke his glasses, must of been a real fight, the way it is said. Mr. Lawrence Matthews is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, ladies free.