Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed at Hecker all nite, they brought the soup here & we all had dinner, then they left for home. Mr. Ed. Meng was here awhile. Emil Merhmans have a little baby girl since last week, Mary Louis, they are going to call it, they have 2 girls. Louis Petri Jr. is giving a free birthday dance tonite at Charfin Bridge, there are dances all over, Irene Reheis band is having one at Daab’s Club House at Smithon [sic], Weber Barn, musci [sic] by Ill. Roamer’s. Rod & Gun Club. Clarence Rausch had a birthday celebration last nite at Weber’s Barn. Papa got crushing done this morning, George Schilling went to Olkalohoma [sic – Oklahoma], & Roy Staunfbiel is on the sick list with a cold.
Saturday, Nov. 7, 1931
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up then we went to Belleville & got new dresses 79¢. Mrs. Staunfbiel was here to see Uncle Fred. Papa was up town this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this eve. from there. Rosalia & Bertille went along down to the brick house to a dance, there wasn’t many there so stayed in the machine & then afterwards went home. Wally Henson’s & his cotton pickers furnished musci [sic].
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