Pap went out to see some people on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, he lawned. We went out to Waterloo this eve. to see Seila Sterling Circus, was the same as last year, out by Breezy Hill, & a crowd; horses danced, girl turned somersault 2 times. Mr. Ettling came paid Int. etc. this evening. Jonny Mueth is crippled a little fell from a wagon. Wm. Keorber’s by Paderborn, his barn burned down last nite about 12 o clock, wheat from last yr. & all of it this year, they thought it must of started from light plant or some how, they came home at 11 o clock & in 1 hr, the barn was all ablaze. Ambrose Doyle’s child is in hospital got operated for appendix, 4th one now.
Thursday, Sept. 5, 1935
Aaron Papenberg’s 22 yr. birthday today. Leona brought Henry up & he couldn’t get the tractor started all morning, so he got Hugo Probst to fix it for him, started right away then. Papa is hauling coal 2 loads for basement & 1 nut coal for brooder stove .05¢; this morning; finished hauled 182 bus. including 12 bus. nut coal @ 5¢ the others 8½ & tax all $15.53 from the East Side coal mine at Freeburg. Henry finished plowing, took the tractor along home; had lunch, dinner. Papa hauled 2 loads wood from Pabsts – 60¢ paid for sawing. Mr. Ed Meng got a light stroke yesterday morning seated in a rocking chair, had the doctor, was better again now. Sterling circus in Waterloo this afternoon & evening porformances [sic] Adm. 25¢; We went in this evening, & crowd just picked reserved seats 10¢ extra, chairs & Boy it sure was good; flying trapeze, elephants & horse dance etc, big band, 3 different side shows at 10¢ Adm; littlest mother & baby. Wild west, 500 lbs. boy, a girl with thousand eyes & so much; a girl lyed [sic] down & elephant walked over her, Monkey, dogs & baby elephant etc.
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