We had the first snow this morning, & awful cold; we started the fire in the furnace this morn. The Catholic Church bell rang & tolled for the death of Louis Shoenborn, he stays by John Roth, he is a sister & brother’s, he went out hunting yesterday & didn’t come back, they had taught [sic – thought] he went to Volkman’s, they called there, & he wasn’t there, & they went to look for him found him dead in the field he will be buried on Roths lot at the Hecker cemetery & also church here. Sexton from E. St. Louis stopped & got 5 doz. egg for 27¢. The winners of the turkeys at Institute last Fri were won by Arthur Kaufman, Henry Wedel, Christ Janson, William Mueller, Peter Keim, Gus. Buettner, Robert Glessner, & Oliver Ruhl. the attendance prize turkey was won by Herman Wierschem. The O’gals motor oil given by the Monroe Service Co, as registration prize was won by Fred Henke. It was in the times today that Clarence Ohlendorf of Waterloo Ill, & Miss Luella Minmean of Hecker, surprized there friends & where married last Sat. at Edwardsville Ill; the attendants were Roy Reinhold & Pearl Haller, they left for a short honeymoon, & they will make there home in Waterloo, she is the only girl of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Minnemean & he is the only son of Mr. & Mrs. William Ohlendorf of Waterloo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pick there hogs out to butcher tomorrow.
Friday, Nov. 4, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & then we all went to the Farmer’s Insititute [sic] at Waterloo, they disposed of 9 turkeys, they sent the roosters of the Odd Fellows hall & the one that catches it gets the turkey. A hard times dance concluded it, Adm. 25¢ for men. We registered for 5 gals motor oil, that the Farm Buruea [sic] gives away. They had all nice quilts & needle work, on exhibition, John Reheis brought a pumpitn [?] in & got 1 prize on it. Henry brought a load of corn today. Babe Johnson 54 yrs old marshall of Waterloo fell over dead Mon. nite & buried yesterday. Eunice Fritsche license 19 yrs old & Causby’s was in paper.
Monday, July 25, 1932
We washed, ironed. Papa is disking. Wm. Ganley was here this afternoon. We had a nice shower rain this afternoon but not enough. Bertille took 2 doz. eggs up for Aunt Mary got 20¢. They told her that Mr. Philip Freund of Waterloo fell over dead this morning.
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