The Sunday School children & parents have basket pinic [sic] at school grounds today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then we went out to the cemetery, see Mr. Scheinder, went over to Uncle Freds for dinner. It started to rain, we went home. Mr. Edler came there to see him. Clarence Weigand has a barn dance tonite, 70×30 floor, Rheinhardts musci [sic]. Uncle Adam & Emil stop on there way home, to see if we was going to work at the barn tomorrow; he told us that someone drove over Bert Thompsons heifer on the road, knock it over, but it got up again, but weak; the car didn’t stop; he also told us of a politician meeting in Kammler’s Hall last nite, keg beer treated we knew nothing about it.
Sunday, May 13, 1934
Filed Under: 1934, May Tagged With: Aunt Mary, barn_dance, cemetery, Edler, Emil, Kammler_Hall, Mother's_Day, politician_meeting, Rheinhardt, Scheinder, Sunday_School, Thompson, Uncle Adam, Uncle Fred, Weigand, Wiegand
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