Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, washed ironed etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, fixing screens. Mrs. Al. Geodelle is in Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, operated on head 2 hrs. for tumor; they say. We planted tomatoe & cabbage plants. Hy. Armstutz delivered Chickstarteven [? – unclear]; this eve. Eggs 17 [cents] going up now.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 1936
Sure hot; in Colrado [sic] at the mountains its snowing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to see L. Armstutz; he is getting better can talk again now, but had a piece taken out of his tongue & has it sewed again. Pap went out on a business trip, down by Red Bud. Eggs are 19¢
Thursday, July 4, 1935
Holiday. Boy! the cars going down. Papa went to see Schaefers & Wm. Ganley. this afternoon him & Rose went out to Henry’s. Hilda is out there, she has 2 weeks vacation now. Jo Keller was by Lizzie Boll’s all day, came here for supper, stayed awhile. We went to Geo. Wagner’s this evening, kids had a few spit devil firecrackers. Sister Angelonia, Frank Mueth daughter, & Mrs. Vic Eichenseer’s sister died at Alton this morning, after an operation of 18 days; will be buried tomorrow morning at Indiania [sic]. Sure hot today again; at noon.
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