Went to mass. Raining all morning. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Ellis Grove & to Gross Peach Orchard got some peaches, they are related to Bill; we also went to Fort Gage. Ed Brand & wife & Joe Gregson came a little while to say Hello; they were all at Emils today; going to leave for Ab. [Alabama] tomorrow evening, going to Levi again this eve. tomorrow to Heyls Bus. then to Waterloo & home again, drove from Alba. [Alabama] to Waterloo in day 680 mi. trip. Susie Gal of Hills is playing at Floraville tonite.
Wednesday, April 26, 1939
Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen etc. Pap worked garden cooked kettle soap; went fishing this afternoon, got 6 nice fish. “Susie Gal of Hills,” playing for a dance at Log Cabin Sat. nite & her gang. Ball players having a dance at White Pine Thurs. nite at Hirst corner, free dance & fish fry. Karl Boll was here on business for Ralph Etling.
Saturday, Feb. 4, 1939
Pap got haircut. Nice day from top, 19 [degrees] this morn. Went to Smithton to church this afternoon. Berniece got 1 doz. eggs this afternoon. Susie Gal of Hill’s is playing with the Ozark Ridge Runners at Valmeyers tonite for dance & floor show at 10:30. Adm. 30 [cents] per person; Advertised in paper.
Thursday, Jan. 19, 1939
Cold this morn. 15 [degrees] above. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped here awhile, went out to see Grossheims. Henry brought a cow hide up. butchered one today. Osie Neff was the butcher; he also brought a bone along for soup. Susie sang song for a whole bunch from Floraville & requested by a friend of Hecker. A lot of people that have been vaccinated recently have sore arms. Josie wrote A. [Aunt] Mary a birthday greeting, said she was coming out Sat.
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1938
Election day. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed, patched, scrubed [sic] basement & cleaned smoke house. Henry came, brought his calf hide up for Christ Buehler to take to St. Louis, he stopped here & took it. Jac. Neff came to pay Int. for Uncle Fred. left it here. Pap & Bert [Bertille] went up to vote after dinner. Susie sang song today for Louise Wittenauer by Ethel Staufbenbiel; Susie sings twice a day now. Took turnips out, about 1 bu. 1/2 large. Leo & family came, brought the truck back, going to butcher.
Saturday, Sept. 3, 1938
Nice day. Susie & German band played songs for Rosalia’s birthday tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud took car to Schneiber’s get it looked at oil changed etc got 573 miles now. Waterloo & Millsdadt [sic] Home Comings, start this eve. with parade. Susie played for Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner also today. German Band announced Millsdadt [sic] home coming on program. Went to Millsdadt [sic], seen parade & it was good large crowd.
Sunday, Aug. 28, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Columbia Homecoming this afternoon. The baseball players having a dance at Kammler’s Hall. musci [sic] by Schmidts, featuring “Susie Gal Hills” in person & what a crowd, she sang several songs, couldn’t hardly hear her sing. Totsch’s had free dance, but was nothing Vogel Bros. Och.
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