Pap got crushing done. Emil got the truck went out to Henry’s hulling sweet clover for Emil Ganley now. Bert [Bertille] went to Levi Gregsons to get Emil, there telephone doesn’t report. Cloudy all day. Smithton has home coming, parade 6:15. raffling out a lawn mower, byicile [sic – bicycle]. Ford Coach – for 25 [cents]. Went to Smithton, but parade was posponed [sic] till tomorrow on account of rain, streets would be to muddy, dance & pinic [sic] was held.
Monday, July 25, 1938
Pap is sick all day, in stomache. [sic] Bert washed, put kraut away, 15 qts. its awful warm. Martha Boll Laswell of St. Louis & friend got 11 doz. eggs here yesterday @ 19 [cents]. Emil went out to help Henry this afternoon, threshing sweet clover seed again, ain’t finished yet, he took truck along out. Orlets came this eve. brought eggs & pickles etc.
Thursday, July 24, 1930
It is raining this morning. This afternoon Papa went out and started discing again. Clifford Stahlber was here nearly all afternoon playing with the colt. Wilford & Clarence Eichenseer were also here. Papa went over to Ed. Meng’s this evening with the mare, and we had to hold the Blindy & Queeny the colt. We all went out to Henry’s this evening but when we got there they wasn’t home. So Papa took a sample of sweet clover along to see how it was. If it was fit for seed.
Monday, March 3, 1930
Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville to the Eureka Hatchery to pay the chickens off for another week because it is too cold yet for little chicks. Bertille took 3 dozen eggs to Eichenseers, got .21¢ a dozen. Mr. John Wiegand & Miss Edna Jatho got married last Saturday, the way the people said. Haven’t seen it in the papers yet. Their licenses were in there. He is 27 years old & she is 22 years old. Mr. & Mrs. Mehrmam are at George Wagner’s today. Papa & Rosalia brought Floyd a pair of rompers, and Bobby a pair of overalls along from Belleville for their birthdays. We found 28 eggs today. Willie Braun was here & got 3 bushes of sweet clover for $5.50 a bush. Papa went out to sow sweet clover after supper.
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