Pap went out in woods, hauling it together, today. Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room, put on screens. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up awhile, got there radio battery at Probst’s. Tax receipt came $260. higher again then last year; about $15. Uncle Freds is $18 town.
Tuesday, April 21, 1936
Rain this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she stayed here & pap went along with him to Waterloo, paid taxes, $206.84; got flour & chic mash. Minnie Staufenbiel came here to see Aunt Mary about fixing her dress for her. Pap & Uncle went to Red Bud see Schrieber garage man on trading cars; they want to get a new Chev. coupe, soon. Eggs are 18¢ at present. Mr Gus Ettling died at the home of his son Oswald at Belleville, was reported on radio. Pap took Whippet to Probst’s got it repaired & oil put in.
Thursday, Dec. 19, 1935
Cold & snowing in morning, sunshine afternoon. Papa hauled 3 loads wood down, got the cedar tree & hauling manure. Rose baked molasses cookies. We cleaned the front room. Went out to Uncle Freds, gave them some cheese & milk. There is an awful big piece in the paper, that Uncle Fred is accessed more than all Belleville, & than 9 townships, just everything is in, what he was accessed for, sure is the limit; the Belleville people aren’t paying taxes; even some of the beautiful homes pictured in the paper were there is no taxes being paid on.
Saturday, March 23, 1935
Henry & Leona came, went to E. St. Louis left the kids here, they had dinner, with us, that is the boy’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & papa went to Waterloo, paid tax $224.37 & then went to Schaefer’s sale by Foster Pond, didn’t buy anything. Mr. Al Gauer stopped in wanted buy hams; also were some art advertisers around. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here. It surely was awful hot this afternoon. Papa got hair cut, this morn.
Saturday, March 16, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon we all went to Melcher’s sale in Red Bud, bought flower stand, box books etc. We planted out 50 cabbage plants last night got them from Chas. Goessling at Waterloo, 15¢. We received tax receipts $224.37 this yr. Rained this afternoon getting colder. Rosalia & Berti went to see Mamie Eichenseer, got some patterns, quilt & embroidery; played euchre; had cookies. Papa went uptown this morning.
Tuesday, April 3, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went in the woods again this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pay tax; were here for dinner & supper. Papa & Uncle Fred went up to the woods this afternoon with the mule & Henry’s mare, worked fine. Aunt Mary went up to see Louise Birkner awhile, she is worse again, they quit Dr. Eckert now & Pautler from Red Bud. Louie was there today. It was in the Bellville [sic] paper tonite, that suit to foreclose a $4100 mortgage on real estate in East St. Louis was filed in court by Peter Reheis against Louisa Fritsche & Joe Herzog.
Monday, Feb. 26, 1934
We washed. Papa took saws to a man in jail here, to sharpen, he is awful good at it, they say. Pap is shoveling snow in the cistern over 100. We mailed a money order $2.23 for tax on meat sold in Jan. that is the last time. We got a can Tom Boy milk & made ½ gal. ice cream this evening. The saw sharpener man, came down this afternoon looked at our lawn mowers, took one along back with him to fix it up; also our scissors.
Thursday, April 20, 1933
Papa & Rosalia went out to Sensel’s to get the corn made 3 trips. George Wagner came told us our telephone rang. Our cow what pap bought yesterday jumped the fence, went through Meng’s field, by Chas. Hepps then out to Buehlers, they tied it up there. Chris bought the cow from us again for $10.00 so it can stay there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morn, he helped with the last load of corn; 45 bus. & 45 lbs. corn @ 24. $10.56. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up again this afternoon. Papa & Uncle Fred went to Waterloo & paid tax. $267.56. eggs are 9¢ today. Aunt Mary, Rosalia & Berdell went over by Mrs. Stauenfbiel awhile this afternoon, got a pattern. Zita was home today; till Sunday. George Boll was here & looked at our pigs, he engaged a fat one.
Thursday, April 6, 1933
It rained last night & this morn. Papa took Lizzie Boll to Waterloo, she payed her tax. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, where here for supper, her, Rosalia & Bert went to church. Holy Hour at every church in the world. Schlotamma where at church to. Henry & Leona where at Waterloo to. Chas. Jung stopped in.
Tuesday, March 21, 1933
It sure is cold, snow on the ground, some spring days. Papa & Henry & Bill Freund went over to East St. Louis, to get a Chev coach for Henry, Papa took the Whippet over so they could put Henry machine or body of his roadster & hauled it home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came where here for dinner, he paid his tax some thing like $400.00. Rosalia finished her dress today. Jos. Braun’s case is to come off today at court. Walter Koch was buried at Red Bud in afternoon.
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