Went out to Henrys filling silo, had 9 fellows for lunch, Schillings filled it. Leona got tooth pulled has large jaw. swollen for 3 days. Mr. & Mrs. Jake Orlet came down looked at peaches awhile this eve; want to take about 2 or 3 bus. when there ripe enough; still to green for canning yet. Mehrmann got 6 doz eggs.
Saturday, Nov. 7, 1936
Pap got haircut. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way home from Benedick’s sale at Red Bud, Hy. Frisckorn bought the place $600.00. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Berti got 2 teeth pulled $3.50 & xray was $2. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Hy Limbach came this evening. Ralph Etling came on business. Viola Einwich is celebrating her birthday at Floraville.
Thursday, May 23, 1935
Went to Belleville, papa got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Wagner $3.50 was allowed $1 for gold crown on tooth. Rose & Bert went to Red Bud, went to Felcias Roscows got dress pattern, & we got 2 sacks feed from Zipfel. Rose took 6 doz. eggs. 21¢. Dr. Smith of Red Bud, his wife left him Sat., also Krehns fired hired girl. Henry came after wire stretcher, this evening.
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1934
Bernice Wagner got ½ dozen eggs. Pierre Laut’s birthday. Papa went to Red Bud to get hog feed, Zipfel wasn’t there, he didn’t get none. Papa went out to Fleckenstein’s got piece iron for binder. Papa & Rosalia got load butchering wood. Sure is warm today. We cleaned chicken house. Rose & Berti went to Dr. Isselhardt this afternoon; Rose got 1 pulled; wisdom tooth; Berti got 3 tempoary [sic] filling. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening played pinochle, Rose had 1500 trump clubs; had cake. The Election yesterday went Democratic all over the states; Monroe Co. has all repbulician [sic] Offics in but one Al. Gaven. Democrats in state won 2 to 1. Mr. Zipfel brought 2 sacks feed this evening. Weather is beautiful.
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