Beautiful day, warm. We baked bread & cherry coffee cake, we picked about ½ gal. cherries; some are green yet, birds help themselves also; so we might get a few more yet. Eggs are 16¢ now. We sent a book ticket to Dupo, that we received from there, for the benefit of Sacred Heart Church there; on a Ford V.8 .25¢ or 5 chances for $1. Henry was up at Meng’s; with the mares. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, him & Rosalia took 18 bus. wheat to Waterloo got 87¢. Mrs. Renneker has a coffee demonstration at her place this afternoon, Mrs. A. Braun & Erna, Alma & Katie Klotz, Lena Meng, Clara Wagner, Mrs. Hugo Probst; lady doing the work, also Olive Laut is there. Clara Wagner came here & invited us to come to her place on today a week, June 2, she is going to have it, she won a dish, now by giving it at her place also, she gets a pyrex set. We planted the rest of sweet potatoe [sic] plants out, got the row & filled, 360 plants. Send for tennis shoes for Aunt Mary. Mr. Will Rhul & daughter was here, he looked at the rake, but said he couldn’t use it, also talked about the signing of Clover contracts this year.
Thursday, June 28, 1934
Jos. Schilling pull his threshing outfit up to Ed Kreher’s today, & Oscar Klotz to Louis Voges. Osie Neff drives the engine what Phil Braun had last year; he isn’t going out. Jack Mueth runs it for Schilling’s run. Pete Kreher’s boy from St. Louis, is working for G. Schilling, driving bundle wagon. It is awful hot weather these day, yesterday 100 in shade. Mr. & Mrs. S. Hellmer wedding anniversary, also Arthur Meohrs. The paper says the new wheat in Monroe & St. Clair Cos, will be 80¢ bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Red Bud, got flour, brought papa pair tennis shoes along $1. Henry & family came this evening, got the mule, his horse gave out threshing today, at Pete Reheis, just fell down, is blooted [sic], they say. Eggs 11¢.
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