Saturday, May 16, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here, we had beef soup, him & Rose went to Waterloo with all of the wheat from out there, got 78¢. Henry & family stopped in, took Floyd to hospital, got his hand re bandaged. Boys stayed here. Emil & Bert Thompson called on pap this afternoon, we opened the davenette & he sleeps, or rests on there during day. We baked lemon pie this afternoon. Eggs 18¢. Mrs. Joe Watchel & Clara Wagner got permanents at Belleville yesterday. The bill at the hospital for 10 das. [days] including room & board, washing (operating room $8.00), & surgical dressings. Lab ex. medicine $53.75. John Hepp came on business. The Chev. Dealer of New Athens, called again to; so far nothing yet; making trades for Uncle Fred’s car.

Sunday, April 19, 1936

Beautiful day, warm, no rain not so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped after church awhile. Mr. Geo Siefert of Red Bud died Fri, will be buried tomorrow morn. 9 o’clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Mrs. Amanda Reheis & Josie Keller all stopped in, then went to the play, they were visiting Uncle this afternoon, the play was good “Bertie Cave Man,” was the name, players were Rallin & Clarence, Lyle, Vernice, Marjorie Rausch, Floyd Thompson, Hard Wagner, Alsace Eckert; use after the play musci [sic] by Wild Cat String Busters,” that Brun’s boys, Lav. Mueth & Lyle Rausch & boy was it a crowd; Adm 35¢. Arlene Klotz is getting along well.

Wednesday, April 15, 1936

Sure a windy day; we cleaned bedroom 1 bath & hall. Pap & Henry hauled wood he had dinner there at Henry’s, brought load, posts home. Hy. Hepp got the lime dust spreader. Dr. Wagner came to see pap. Mamie Eichenseer came & Rose set her hair for her. We worked in garden, sewed some more seed. Eggs are 17¢ today. Mrs. Fred Weber was taken to Belleville hospital, treated for rupture, she is Mrs. Bert Thompson’s mother. Robert Bescher is taking charge of Bert’s horses at Meng’s for the present, cause she is there all time.

Monday, April 13, 1936

We washed ironed. Pap & Henry hauling wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she went to Minnie’s & he worked garden. Mrs. Geo Freund, Joe & neighbor lady, came got the mare & colt, he lead the mare & colt, through town, & then rode it home through the prairie; Uncle helped him on hard road; paid $75 & balance a note. Pap & Henry went to Sam Mosio’s to Farm Bureau Meeting. A-A-A contract it is a new plan now again. Bert Thompson brought our 2 settings of duck eggs 70¢. Louis Geossling was here he is a agent selling door mats $1.25; he was hurt in the sewer project in Waterloo, rocks fell, & smashed his toes, pretty bad, dangerous.

Tuesday, April 7, 1936

We went out to Henry’s washed, ironed, had dinner; she [Leona] is still in bed, & he has a bad cold to. Sure got windy & cold. It is morn. for awhile, frost; froze pretty hard. Eggs 16¢. Pap went to Meng’s with the mare. Bert Thompson came over too.

Wednesday, April 1, 1936

All fools day. Papa went out to see Uncle Adam, still the same. Bert Thompson stopped in, he said we could get a setting duck eggs 35¢ as soon as they get them takes 13 eggs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Berti went along to Belleville; raining all nite & day; papa went out to Emil’s to helped him burn hedge this afternoon, Al. Cleveland also helped him. Henry has a little cold since yesterday morn; mare colt, black, is allright. Reports is out now to be true that Joe Schilling has bought Elmer Kammler’s house here, & Elmer is to build on Werner’s lot by the blacksmith shop, as soon as Seidle has finished Eichenseers, is going to start his right across the street. Eggs are up 1¢ again now. 16¢.

Tuesday, March 24, 1936

Pap is working in the woods. The Ford garage dealer was here, left us a calander [sic] & almanac. Trast from Waterloo. Bert Thompson came to look at the colt. We went out to Henry’s; this evening, on Robert’s birthday 10 yrs. old, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to see Uncle Adam first, then stopped at the birthday. Joe Buss’s family came there to see the barn he has for sale, so they all came in the house; Mrs. Buss birthday will be Thurs. Berti milked this eve. Rose fells pretty good but still has a lump yet. Montgomery Ward Or. came today. Berti’s dress is pretty aqua, greenish blue, 34, little big.

Thursday, Feb. 20, 1936

Rose & Berti took the wash out to Henry’s; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, & we went up to the Ladies Aid Euchre in Kammler’s Hall; played bluey for a quilt, dresser scarf, towel for 10¢; Mrs. Rosemeir of Red Bud got the quilt, Mrs. Joe Griffin the scarf, Bert Thompson the towel. Geo. Lorberg attendance prize, pillow cases; we each had 9 points got sauce pans; Uncle & Aunt got nothing had 6 points, the crowd was pretty fair, people from Valmeyer were here; they also had sleeper tickets for themselves, prizes also seperated [sic]. Henry Birkner have a baby girl born on 18 Feb. christened it Louise Maria – Elmer & Bessie sponsors; she is very sick, had the priest out.

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1935

Cloudy & raining a little. Berti went up to church. Wedding mass of Clarence Braun & Verna Stiehl, she turned Catholic, single ring ceremony, bride wore dark blue, blouses & skirt, coat, & hat shoes; white crystahemums [sic], & bridesmaid Marie Braun wore the same only tan color; yellow flowers, Hugo Ray was best man; wedding dance at Kammler’s tonite, we went, had nice time; cake, Schmidts Orch.; of Herb & 2 sons, 2 Braun Wms. girls, & Edgar Wittenauer. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came bought 2 roasters here, 9 lbs. @ 15¢; cleaned & dressed them ready for tomorrow. Pap & Rose hauled bad old wheat to Waterloo got 91¢, lot is 96¢ today. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brand of Alalabama [sic] visited us this afternoon, had supper here. Henry & family came this evening. Mamie came down then we went to the dance together. Bert Thompson was here to see Henry; so much company. Henry received a letter from Barrenphol’s lawyer on account of the colt business, he wants $25.00 if paid in short time. Oscar Birkner’s have a baby girl born yesterday evening, also Armin Geodelle’s have a baby girl. Otto Horn, suit agent at Waterloo, also Justice of peace 38 yrs. old was killed in an auto accident in town on Tues; Archie Wiehl was the one that had collision with him, on Fourth St. Libory  he was thrown out of car, & never regained conscience; both cars turned over, & completely wrecked; they say; it is terrible, had left his home about ½ hour before it happened; John Hieken was with Horn at the time, but not hurt bad.

Sunday, Oct. 6, 1935

Awful cold, the green corn is froze. Went to Red Bud. Floyd Thompson is help out at the Texaco filling station there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a little while. Mr & Mrs Joe Neary – nee Martha Schilling have a little baby boy born Oct. 4. Mr & Mrs Geor. Schilling grandparents first time. Barry May has a shooting match, also one at Oak Grove; Harry Kammler is giving a dance tonite Moonlight Orch. Adm 25¢. Donahue’s got a 2nd Anniversary free dance, Carlos Orch. playing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & took us along to Donahue’s, big crowd. We went out to Henry’s this afternoon, nobody home, was expecting Kruse to come & look at the horses, so we stayed awhile, then went to Wm. Ganley’s, but got no answer there, found out through that they were at home; but they didn’t hear us. Jack Cody was put in jail last nit, for accusing Farago for burning his barn down, one day last week; is out again now.